"Return home, you two, make sure you are unseen. I'm going to have a talk with our heteromorphic allies." Y/N smiles.

"Ainz." Y/N contacts.

"Y/N, is there a problem?" Ainz asks.

"It seems we both have an eye for the eight fingers." Y/N adds, getting into the topic.

"Funnily enough, no. That organization wasn't a part of our plans. They just got caught up in our business, that's all." Ainz answers.

"Is it the butler?" Y/N asks.

"So you've met." He adds.

"Let me just ask, what will you do once the eight fingers are in your hands?" The Scientist asks.

"Information, mostly, and a foothold on Re-Estize." He answers.

"I'd like to take over if you'd let me. I have business plans ensuring money is steadily flowing into both our guilds." The Scientist requests.

"Elaborate." Ainz says.

"I have business plans that are bound to succeed and just the people I need. If I get the foothold I need, Re-Estize can fall with a single flick." Y/N continues, catching Ainz's full attention.

"I will tell my Guardians to cease all operations regarding the eight fingers and order them not to interfere with your plans." He says.

"We will be causing a distraction in Re-Estize. Use it wisely." Ainz says.

"Thank you." The Scientist smiles, cutting his contact with Ainz.

He connects to the Hive Mind.

"Deborah, gather the Novistadors on the sixth floor and contact the persons I will send you the names of." Y/N orders.

"You will use the Novistadors to have them here immediately. Get some Popokarimu's as well to bring Heisenberg's Soldats here." Y/N continues.

"Ainz will be distracting the denizens of Re-Estize, so time is of the essence. Let's use this to infiltrate." He finalizes before cutting from the call.

The Scientist sits down on the ground, waiting for Ainz to start his distraction.

A wall of flame burst from the ground making Y/N smile. As Y/N stands up, a familiar flutter of wings flies overhead.

Subjects from Umbrella Corporation fall from the sky, quickly kneeling in front of their Creator.

"It's nice to have all of you here." The Scientist smiles, seeing everyone he called for.

Albert and Alex Wesker. Ricardo Irving, Excella Gionne, Javier Hidalgo, and Karl Heisenberg.

"Welcome to Re-Estize, my subjects. Tonight we will be taking over a criminal organization. Ainz gave us this opportunity, so don't blow it." Y/N orders.

"I already have sent you the targets to annihilate. Six targets from the eight fingers are still alive. One is in Ainz's possession, don't let me down." Y/N continues. His Subjects all nod, knowing not to fail their Creator.

"I've already sent Alcina to go after Cocco Doll. Heisenberg, you stay here and wait for your Soldats. Once we're done, we'll regroup and tame whatever creatures Horzine has in his lab." Y/N says.

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