The door opened to a young girl who looked to be in her early twenties, she had long golden hair and ocean blue eyes and she wore a baby blue dress that went down to her ankles.

"Good day, Josephine, I'm so glad to have you here" Ichabod smiled, he stuttered at his words a little since he doesn't see much of Josephine and that she mainly hangs around with Katrina.

"Good day to you as well, Mr. Crane" Josephine spoke politely along with a small curtesy. "Oh please, call me Ichabod, you're among friends" he stammered. Josephine only giggled and he let her inside the house.

"My friends are excited to meet you" Ichabod answered as he led her into the living room where everyone else was waiting.

"Everyone, this is Josephine. Josephine these are my friends", Ichabod announced and everyone greeted each other in unison.

"I'll have all of you to get to know each other before dinner" Ichabod spoke again, ushering Gilbert, Mort, and Sam to help him with the food, and then left, leaving Josephine alone with Ichabod's remains clones.

"I'm grateful to dine with you all" Josephine answered politely after a few minutes of silence.

"That not a problem miss!" Hatter answered in a bow. "And I must say, you look like Alice but I know your not Alice" he spoke again.

Josephine raised a brow, "um... who's Alice?"

"That's Hatter's friend" Glen answered. Josephine only nodded awkwardly blushing a little, Glen was kind of cute and good looking, she has never met a boy like him before.

It became silent again until Josephine noticed one of the men didn't look right. "Um sir, are you alright? What happened to your hands?" She asked Edward.

"That's just the way he is" Barnabas defended.

Edward couldn't speak, he had a lump in his throat and all he could do was look away almost shamefully but also shyly with his face slightly turning pink.

"You're quite pale and your teeth look sharp" she looked at Barnabas who gave her a small smirk "you're quite the smart one, my lady".

"You're quite strange too" she pointed to Sweeney who only glared at her, even though in the inside his heart was thumping loudly and fast. He couldn't put it off his mind that the girl looked a lot like Lucy. Blonde hair, blue eyes, pale skin...

"It's best to leave him alone..." Willy answered quickly, a hint of nervousness to his voice knowing how Sweeney is.

"Are you a magician?" She asked Wonka, "I'm a chocolatier actually, I make the best candy in the entire world" Willy spoke proudly with a wide smile.

"Are you a pirate?" Josephine asked Jack to which he dipped his head down proudly "indeed I am, lass" he said with a grin.

"Dinner's ready!" Ichabod called out. Everyone went inside the dining room and took their seats.

The table was filled with roast beef, chicken, fruit, vegetable soup, some corn and toast, along with some beer which Jack was hogging most of it.

"I'm enjoying my time here, and the food is amazing!" Josephine complimented as she bit into her chicken leg. Everyone blushed at her comment but Josephine had her eyes on Glen. He had a cute face but at the same time handsome, and his eyes reminded her of chocolate and she adored his dark curly hair and sharp cheek bones.

"We are very pleased to have you Josephine" Ichabod interrupted.

"Thank you, Mr. Crane" she smiled.


The night carried on with everyone talking to each other and Josephine interacting with everyone but she mainly talked to Glen who was a stuttering mess. Half of the time he had a hard time getting the words out of his mouth and he was as red as a tomato.

Eventually the day came to an end and Josephine was set to go home.

"Good bye Josephine" Ichabod waved to her as she walked out the door. Everyone else waved at her as well. "Good bye to all of you, I hope to see you all soon" she waved back and soon she was gone.

Ichabod closed the door and looked back at the gang.

"Well gentlemen, I must say I was impressed" was all Ichabod said.

"I think she liked me" Glen stated, "she talked to me the most".

"No fair!" Gilbert pouted.

"How do you always get the girls?" Willy asked.

Glen only answered with a smirk.


Alright I'm going to end it here. I hope you enjoyed it @callme_Camx and yes this is a bit longer than the other chapters but I do have a new idea that'll be coming up soon and I will be doing a Fourth of July chapter so be sure to watch out for that!

In the Depp houseTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon