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Tonto was in the kitchen giving himself breakfast. He went into the pantry and grabbed a box of cereal, strangely, when he picked it up, it felt weird and there looked to be a few dents on it. He just brushed it off and thought that one of his friends was using it early as a punch bag.

He grabbed a bowl from a cabinet and sat it down on the table. He preferred to eat his cereal dry and refuses to put milk in it. He opened the cereal box and a few seconds later a couple of lemons came out.

"What the..." he questioned, but then Glen came out and saw the lemons poured all over the table and some on the bowl.

"Well when life gives you lemons" Glen replied, trying to hold in a laughter, but Tonto wasn't pleased and shooed Glen away only for Edward to walk in and see Tonto playing around with the lemons and Edward felt like he was going to throw up.

"You alright scissor boy?" Tonto asks, but Edward immediately leaves gagging to himself and Tonto stares in confusion.

Hey! Yeah I know this is short but most of these will be short and it took me a long time to choose which characters I should do since I did leave an author's note of who I should choose for this chapter but no one answered so I had to decide.

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