Chapter I: Different

Start from the beginning

Her name was Harmonia, and they had been buddies ever since they were sproutlings. However, they couldn't visit each other often because Harmonia lived in the Northreach Kingdom, while Aureate resided in Sunfall. It wasn't until years later that Harmonia became an official Sunfall Kingdom citizen, which was that very day.

Aureate smiled at the acorn, who didn't hesitate to return the friendly gesture.

Quynn stood up from his throne shortly after Aureate entered the room. The townsfolk bowed formally. "It is my pleasure to welcome all three of you to the Sunfall Kingdom. My name is King Quynn. This is my daughter, Princess Aureate," Quynn introduced the both of them, gesturing to his daughter. The princess did a quick bow before he continued.

"Unfortunately, Queen Shine was unable to attend our little meeting. Don't worry, though, as she will be sure to make introductions as soon as she can," the nightcap continued. After a short pause, Aureate realized he was waiting for her to take the mantle.

With a gulp, Aureate said, "It is truly a pleasure to have new villagers, especially since you're all moving here from so far away. That takes courage," she spoke. "I'll be hosting a tour of our kingdom shortly after you're all dismissed. If you wish to attend, please wait outside the castle doors. With that, our meeting is over. Unless you have any questions, you are free to leave. Thank you."

Both her and Quynn bowed their heads as the new villagers began to depart. However, one stayed behind. "I'll handle this, Dad," Aureate whispered to her father. The nightcap nodded before stepping out of the throne room.

"Is there something you require?" she asked. It was the peashooter. He wore a bright red bandana. When he turned the side of his head, a large white splotch was visible against his green skin.

"Yeah.. uh.. how is this kingdom in terms of.. friendliness?" the peashooter asked, his tone nervous. "I'll be honest with you," Aureate decided, her tone turning serious. "The Chorians here can be quite.. judgmental. But you'll always have a friend in me!"

Eyeing her suspiciously, he nodded quickly before attempting to bow out of the castle. "Wait, I didn't catch your name?" she called to him on the way out.

"Just call me.. Pea," he said before leaving.

Aureate hummed to herself.

What a strange name. Pea.


After being escorted out of the castle, Pea waited outside for the princess to give them the tour. Standing with the others, in silence, it was kind of, er, awkward. Thankfully, it didn't last long, as Aureate came out shortly.

"Oh, good, you all stayed!" She beamed, seemingly overjoyed. Pea quirked a brow at her. He knew sunflowers were perpetually happy and all, sure, but she had a different energy about her. A sort of energy he couldn't pinpoint.

"How about we go around with names?" she suggested, though it wasn't really a suggestion. More of an indirect command.

"I'm Harmonia," the pale acorn said, her voice hefty with an accent. "It's like harmonica, but without the 'c'."

Harmonia was a pale acorn, her base color birch, her cap more of a cold tree bark color, and her leaves an olivish green. Most acorns had brighter colors than hers, which made her an off color.
An off color was a plant whose colors weren't the same as the majority of their plant type. In terms of rarity, they were rather uncommon.

Off colors may have subtle or drastic differences, but the common trend was they're constantly ridiculed about their appearance.

"..I'm Flare," the snapdragon said after giving Harmonia an odd glance. A red snapdragon with orange accents and gray horns. Another off color, Pea noticed almost immediately.

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