
918 29 4

tw: homophobia, homophobic slur

I never would have thought I would be here, in front of the love of my life's apartment, crying my eyes out. Just last night I got mad at him for nothing, and so if I came over and apologised and told him why, it would all be good and I could spend the rest of the day sitting wrapped around his arms at school, fuck my friends, none of them genuinely cared for me anyway. So imagine my surprise at seeing Alex and Chubs ready to leave for what looked like a trip. His words seemed to stab deeper and deeper into my heart and soul, until the very last sentence. 'I wish you were sober. Then I would never have had any reason to be with you.'
I clenched my shirt tighter, tears blurring the ground beneath me. I told him how much that night meant, but now and all of that chasing after him was left in the dust. But I loved him, I had decided that one beautiful morning. I had woken up before him for once, and when I saw his rested and calm face lying on me, I just knew he was the one for me. I would chase him for a thousand years, or never feel love again just for him. A video, he said, his words repeated in my head. Who knew a few seconds of footage could ruin the one thing I loved and cared for. I had to fix this, so he could spend less time crying and regretting what we had and more in my arms, happy again. He was sent the video by someone, so being me, I don't think it will be hard to track down. Sure enough, when I went to check my phone, I had thousands of random people who had found my number and others who already had it, spamming me for my attention, mostly trying to chat me up about a video someone had posted. My eyes lit up seeing the mention of it, so I opened the first text I could open while my phone still actively vibrating from other people. A guy I had seen around me a few times had typed nonsense, letters jumbled and unreadable, but there was a attachment to it. Playing the video, I immediately tensed and gagged. A girl had filmed herself with some guy and sent it to someone she knew would send it to others, the caption in the video further suggested she wanted everyone to know. It wasn't her so much that I physically recoiled at, but it was the fact she was moaning my name like a fucking prayer. I was shook, I didn't know who this even was and I knew damn well I did not touch anyone that wasn't Alex. Looking closer, I finally made out the face. It was Lindsay. Of course it was. She was the reason for everything fucked up. The mess at the cafe, my mood at the party, my perfect relationship, and probably the lives of random innocent people. The day of the party, I had walked off to get water for Alex, the way he was drinking was making me break into a nervous sweat. I was so close to the water, but Lindsay swooped in like a starved vulture.
"Hey, I remember you, you were from that cafe right?"
"Yeah I was that guy from the cafe, the one dating the cashier."
Mentioning the fact I had a boyfriend should have ward her off, but it did the complete opposite.
"Boyfriend? I don't recall... But you can't be fully gay, right?"
I shoved pass her roughly, a little away from stomping my way back to Alex. She said exact same thing from the day at the cafe. How many other people thought this way?
"Where are you going? Trying to take me somewhere? Because i'll gladly except."
She had latched onto my arm now, but I shrug her off in case Alex saw and misunderstood. I know how triggering it would be for him if he thought I was cheating.
"How hard is it for you to understand? I'm not into girls. I had slept with them in the past, but I never felt shit. So fuck off."
That should have done it, right? Wrong. She continued to follow me around like I was her life line, until I panicked and took a wrong turn into a dim hallway. I tried to push past, but she grabbed me again and pushed me up against the wall. Her claws dug into my skin and I shivered at the repulsive feeling. She trailed her nails up and down my arms and neck, but before she could reach my face, I grabbed her wrist and threw her on the ground, regretting it when I hear her smack onto the ground with heavy force. I cringed as I remember how everyone always says to never hit a woman, but it was a honest flight or fight reaction, and I was being harassed. Scrambling back out, I heard her call my name, but it faded out with the rest of the noise around me like it always did when I saw him. My face eased and rested calm, despite the adrenaline pumping through me. Alex looked worried, balancing his body from outside the door and looking around. When he saw me, he sighed and smiled again, I was going to smile back, but the feeling of Lindsay's witch like nails scraping my arms made me uncomfortable and feel like I was being scraped all over by her. I was still so shook I had blown up at Alex for nothing, especially because he cared. He had asked me if I was okay, but I just yelled, leaving me restless the rest of the night because I knew I had hurt a harmless angel. Why had she done this? Was it because of me, or Alex? We had never done anything to her, anything that had happened was all her fault. My stress flicked to anger, as I exited the chat and open the first one that had just been sent.

And just when I thought things couldn't have been worse.

Wed, 10:32AM
I just saw the video, I knew you weren't gay, you could never be.

I blinked. What was this dumbass going on about? The person's message was like an annoying voice in my head, causing more stress and confusion all at once. Apparently a lot of people thought just like that bimbo bitch. Message after message was all yelling the same thing, just with different wording.

Wed, 10:36AM
You're not gay. You're too good for that.

It made me sick how so many people could be so in denial of another person. It was insane really. I wanted to kick and scream my damn head off at everyone to stop, but it would be no use. Text keep my phone lit as I stood motionless in pure rage and disbelief. So many guys from the football club all saying they knew my relationship with Alex was all for jokes. Girls asked if it was 'their turn yet' thinking I was going to pretend as if I liked them again. I grew more and more agitated at each passing word, but only one made my eyes sting.

Wed, 10:39AM
Good on you for messing with that fag. He deserved it.

Deserved how? So many people were making fun of Alex for the way he is, so why don't they make fun of me too? Why just him? This needed to stop, but I didn't know how. Responding would only make more messages and more insults to be thrown at Alex, so I needed someone who knew Alex well, knew where he had gone, what he might be going through, any way to contact him.

I think it's easy to guess who to ask in this situation.

Opening a new chat, I had her number saved from Alex, just in case. I typed a quick hello, and asked to meet, and that it was very important. Almost instantly, I got a message back.

Who's this?

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