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'You son, are completely out of control!'
'Ma'am, please calm down, shouting in such a situation will only-!'
'Don't you tell me what to do! I want this boy out of this school and far away from my son!'
I flinched at the words as if she had raised a fist at me. Shakey hands grip my hair as I curl into myself.
I knew this was bound to happen, but I didn't think it would be this bad. From what I knew from other students, Tom's mother was a complete bitch. His friends would absolutely refuse to go to his house to hang out, after only one hour of being near his mum. I didn't know what she did or what she was like that was so wrong, so I dismissed the rumors, thinking that Tom's friends were overreacting and being their annoying teenage selves, not liking a woman or mother if she wasn't what they deemed 'milf material'. I pushed myself not to sneak a look inside the closed door, holding Aether, a very bruised-up Tom, and one psycho mother. Stupid me, if only I had stopped myself and Aether from violence, we would be somewhere else, anywhere else, away from the principles office. I wanted to do nothing but barge into the confined room, scream at Tom's mum to fuck off, and run into the sunset with Aether, but I knew that I probably couldn't even get through with the first part.

While being busy being worried and stressed from Aether, I didn't notice the body hovering over me. My blurred vision settled, making me conscious of the sleek size 16 Stefano Beamers in front of my raggedy converses. I straightened up, looking directly into the cold blue eyes of a man. His face was hard and full of thought, while his clothes looked like they could pay off all of my rent for years on end, and that was only from his suit. I had to lean my body back a bit just to look at him properly. He was so tall, 6'5- maybe even 6'6. Even sitting down, I think he would be my height standing up. The nameless man gave me a small smile and politely asked,
'Hello, could you point me in the direction of the principles office?' I returned a smile as best as I could, but it must have looked like I had been stabbed awkwardly and told to smile, because his mouth twisted upright, twitching as if holding back a laugh.
As I went to point the way, as my hand lifted up, another scream and insult to Aether were heard, so loud it echoed through the lifeless hallways. The mystery man's kind smile faded, replaced with a hard, unreadable expression. He marched towards the room, swinging the door open with such force, that the sound of the door and the wall cut silence through the room. I snuck behind the man at the opportunity of the open door, poking my head from the side. Tom's mother's face softened a fraction, but nonetheless, she looked like she was trying to explode Aether with her mind, Tom beside her looking everywhere but at Aether and the man. Aether, on the other hand, sat in a slightly curled position, his fist clenched together before his face, a dead look on his face. The silence was all there was as the sophisticated man took two steps, settling next to Aether and placing a comforting hand on his shoulder. Aether looked up from his grim position and his eyes lit up the slightest when he saw the man.
'Dad? What are you doing here? I don't remember calling you..."
I let out an ugly noise, shocked at Aether. Dad!? Now that I think about it, it makes much more sense. The expensive look and clothes, the colossal height, and the two smile the same. Aether noticed me from the corner of the door and smiled delightfully at me, a pink tone splashing shyly across his cheeks. I smiled back, heart pounding at his expression. Looking at him made me zoom out completely, seeing flowers bloom around Aether's face. The principal sat at her desk, glaring and silently telling me to go away. I waved a hand apologetically and sat my back flat against the wall, using all my power and pushing it into my ears.
'Aether, Ms. Privet... I see my son has caused a disturbance.' Aether's father addressed the principal politely before a loud screech erupted from Tom's mother.
'A disturbance is an understatement, look at what your pathetic boy has done to my poor baby!'
At this point, I couldn't help but watch the whole thing go down. Tom's mother was livid, breathing noisily out of her clenched teeth while Aether's dad just glanced at her, giving her a 'Shut the fuck up before I put your whole bloodline in debt' look. Even after several counts of verbal assault, Aether's dad, who I learned was named Antony, simply smiled and completely ended the argument in just a few sentences.
'I do understand what my son did, but did you even take into account what your son did? First off, he has been bullying several students all the years he has been here, exposed not only Aether's, but another student's privet life, and when confronted, what did he do? simply make matters worse. So, on my son's behalf, I'm sorry for the injuries inflicted, but the dickhead kinda deserved it.'

My jaw was on the floor, choking back howls of laughter at the face Tom's mother made at being put into her place. She tried to speak, but only stutters and incoherent words were formed. Eventually, after useless arguments, Tom and his crazy mother left. Aether and Antony walked out soon after, both with blank but lively expressions on their faces. Aether rushed towards me, holding me in a warm hug, the hug cut short by a deep voice.
'Aether, you still have your mother to face, don't get too excited. When she hears you got into a fight and have a week of suspension, we'll never hear the end of it.' Mr. Andilet chuckled, Aether let go and playfully whine, smiling at his dad.
'You must be Alexander! I have heard so much about you from Aether! Sorry I didn't realize before.' Mr. Andilet stalked towards me and stretched out a hand, gripping and shaking so hard, that I thought he would take my arm off. I blinked rapidly with a wonky smile, looking between Aether and his dad.
'It's nice to meet you too sir, I didn't know Aether spoke about me to you.' Aether twisted and avoided my gaze, but I could still see this growing smile from the way his cheeks stretched up.
'This boy, after he met you, it was all he could talk about. It's nice to see my son had finally found someone. I was sick of seeing so many different girls in and out of my house so often.'
I smiled wide at that. I now had no reason to ever feel insecure. Just those words told me how whipped Aether was for me, just as I am for him.
'Dad, cut it out. Let's just go, mum will be wonder where you are.'
Aether urged his father on before he revealed too much information about him. I held back a giggle and waved them goodbye.
'Goodbye sir, It was really nice meeting you! I hope to see you again, and please, just call me Antony.' He smiled back at me, the resemblance between Aether's smile and his was uncanny.
I watched them as they walked away, down the hall and out of the school grounds, wondering what it would be like to have a family again.

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