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Aether had been coming over to the café I work at every day an hour or so before my shift ended, just so he can hang around me for a bit and drop me off at home. I knew this, even though he claims he 'needs to study' and 'the café is the perfect place to study and focus.' How did I know he was lying? Because I can see and feel him staring at me more than he should be staring at his textbooks.

Besides my home, I weirdly enjoy hanging around and working at the café. It's closed off and cozy, so there are way fewer customers to deal with, meaning more time to scroll on my phone or really do whatever I want. Additionally, Because of the lack of customers, only 1 person needs to work at a time, which benefits me as I like the peace and not having to deal with nosey co-workers. The style of the cafe was a little on the older side and overrun with plants, so it was like stilling in the middle of the rain forest. Dark green walls framed dark brown on all sides meshed with the plants so perfectly, it was actually really satisfying to look at.

It was one of those days, my favorite days to work at the café, because the setting sun washed over and throughout the café, giving it a dreamy, romantic setting. I finished off serving a sweet old lady, matching her radiant side as she went on her way in her tiny baby blue car. After her car was out of sight, I glanced over to Aether, who for once, was looking at his textbook and scribbling down messy notes. The orange and pink tint of the sun rested on his perfect features. His eyes were downcast, as he rested his head on his palm, noisily tapping his pen to his paper. I let my eyes wander down Aether's features, glistening eyelashes, fluttering every few seconds, and beautifully tanned skin. My eyes slid lower to his lips, damp from his tongue glazing over them as he thought long and hard at the practice quiz.

I grab a cookie and walk over to Aether, flopping down on my seat and taking a massive bite of the cookie. Aether looks up at me, and in a very exaggerated sad tone, he whines,
"I thought that was for me. Don't you care about me and my pain at all!?" I burst out laughing as he chuckled alongside me, and through contained laugher, I giggled,
"If you want anything you're gonna have to get up and buy it at the counter just like everyone else." He huffed and twisted his head, arms crossed and looking like an angry toddler.

We burst into more laughter and made small talk until I heard the bell chime, indicating new customers had arrived. Striding towards the counter, I tilt my head up to glance at who and come in, and just from her eyeliner, I knew who she was.

This cannot be happening, not now at least. I force a smile as a greet Lindsay and her friends. Before the whole outing fiasco at my old school, Lindsay would bully me relentlessly for something I couldn't control. She as the schools pride, for she was effortless pretty and good at everything, everything but school work. She could do 10 flips in a row without getting dizzy, do her cheerleading routine 5 times better then everyone else, but she could never grasp basic math equations or english annotations. One day, her father came to conference with our teachers, and to say the least, he was not impressed. My teacher introduced me to her dad as the student with the highest marks, and he gushed at my brains and compared me to Lindsay many times. That day on, she'd shove me into lockers, trip me over and pour food onto me, all because she could never live up to her father's expectations. I pitied her and tried to help her, but she was too stuck in her own problems, so she threw all my care away. I was glad to finally leave that place, I pray she is better now then before.
"Hello, welcome to Greenwood Café, what can I get you guys?" I didn't recognise her friends, so I was glad it was just her from my old school. Together they scanned the menu, not sparing me a glance. Then Lindsay opened her mouth and looked up. Her words stopped short, closing her mouth and squinting at me suspiciously.
"Hey... have we meet before?" Oh god, panic was really setting in now. I played it off as best as I could, and she responded but nodding slowly, still suspicious. They ordered and I tucked their food into little brown bags, ignoring the stare from Lindsay. Lindsay's friends paid and thanked me, walking out to their car, but Lindsay stayed.
"You. You're that gay kid that left the school. Ha, I knew I had seen you before. I'll never forget the face of the one my dad always talks about."
I hung my head low, embarrassed and unsure of how to react. I never thought I'd see someone from there again, but here we are. I saw Aether shift from his table, now aware and eves-dropping into the conversation.
"You know, even now after all these years, father still talks all high and might about you, I wonder how he'll feel when he finds out you're a-"
I cut her off before she could finish. I knew what she was going to say anyways, I'd heard it too many times for me to not.
"Look, I'm sorry your father still talks about and compares you to me, but there's nothing I can do about it." I needed this to end quickly. I really didn't need drama to unfold right before my shift ended.
I thought I handled it well, but the look on Lindsay's face said otherwise. She was livid, and before she could say anything, Aether cut her short.
"That's enough. Look, I think you should let this go, He's not doing anything wrong." Aether was on my side, as he stepped between me and Lindsay, broad shoulders shielding me from her.
"Who is this? Your boyfriend? What a waste of a pretty face." I was shocked, drilling holes into Aether's head, anticipating a reply, he smiled and said,
"I could say the same for you. Still homophobic in this day and age? What are you, 70?" I could hear a quite gasp, thinking Lindsay would give up and leave, but no, instead, she started to pursue Aether.
"You know... You're really hot. There's no way you're fully gay, especially for him." Peaking over Aether's shoulder, she glares in disgust and leans into Aether, a slim manicured hand rubbing his neck sensually.
My heart chipped when I saw Aether lean back into her, smirking and placing his hand on the small of her back. As they got closer, I started to panic even more and tears pricked. Was the past seriously repeating itself? I was close to crying until Aether shoved Lindsay back, and grabbing my face, pushing my lips to his in a chaste kiss. He cackled and snarled,
"All that plastic and makeup won't make you less of a disappointment to your dad babe. Try being a decent human being, see where that gets you." My eyes widened and my jaw hung loose. Did Aether really just say that!?
Lindsay was as shocked as I was, She stood still for a moment. Then, she went batshit. She was kicking and screaming at us, knocking over the basket of bread and things off the guest tables, sugar and teaspoons soaring through the air. She left with a dramatic fuck you and sped off, probably giving her friends an earful about everything.
Aether turned to me with a crooked smile, looking guilty as ever.
"Sorry, that was my fault. I'll help clean up."

So much for closing up on time.

wish u were sober. (bxb) (V1)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora