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Stage 3: Bargaining.

What was he doing here?
After yesterday, he must have had some nerve. As much as I didn't want to, I kept walking, my eyes burning holes into his turned back.

While I walk, I get slightly distracted by his back profile. His broad shoulders, strong back muscles, and the way this shirt fit deliciously tight- wait. Don't I hate this guy? My train of thought gets thrown off track when I stupidly smack right into Aether's back.
"Well, wasn't the greeting I was expecting but okay.." He turns to face me, an annoyingly smug smirk already plastered on his face.
"What are you doing here? Didn't you have enough fun fucking with me yesterday?" I snapped. This was the one thing I didn't want to happen today, yet it was happening. Even all the sleep I had plus the 3 cups of coffee I had didn't give me enough energy to deal with this.
"Hey, don't be mean, me and Eternity just wanted to say we're sorry for what we did here yesterday." I couldn't believe the nerve of this bitch. If they were really sorry, they would of apologised together- or better- never have initiated anything at all.
"And what? Why isn't she here to apologize with you? Instead of using you like an owl?" I turned to my locker, taking things in and out, finding any form of distraction from this conversation.
"Yeah about that... She couldn't make it." Aether stated, eyes jolting side to side.
"I bet, probably having too much fun with you." I sneered,
"I wish you would just-" He paused, gathering the right words together,
"I swear we didn't do anything." He held his hands out, reaching towards me, but he quickly reeled them back in. I was the guilt, but couldn't- more over wouldn't- buy it.
"And how am I supposed to trust you? I mean, the others seemed to also have a great time." Aether stood, dumbfound. He knew what I said was true. After an awkward minute of silence, with a huff, he finally spoke.
"With all due respect Alexander, I believe my sex life is none of your business... unless you're jealous?"
I twisted my lips straight in disgust, heat rising from when he said my name. I wanted to make a snarky remark, but very unfortunately for me, I had nothing to say. I had no thoughts in my head, my mouth locked tight in silence outrage. He smirked, forming a soft dimple on this left cheek, where his smile pointed. He laughed, tipping back his head as he recovered and softly chuckled. Slamming the locker shut, and locking the lock, I spin around in his direction.
"Let's get one thing straight. I hate you, and I don't want you around me or the people I love." With that, I took off to my next class, missing the hurt look on Aether's face.
The rest of the day flew by boringly, nothing eventful happened at all. It was only until I was working late at night at the local supermarket, I got a message. It was from a random guy I had given my number to when I was drunk out of my mind, I wouldn't have found out if Eternity didn't tell me. It read,

Party at Jayden's tomorrow nighttt ;)) You comin' or nah?

I pondered on the question for the rest of my shift. Tomorrow was my day off work, and I haven't been to many parties since I started working. Knowing I'd be bored at home with nothing good to do, I might as well go out and live a little, finally being released from the shackles of work.

As embarrassing as it was, I wasn't sure what to do or what to wear for the party. After getting my apartment and starting work, I left myself no time to relax. Throwing things around my room, desperate to find something good and somewhat attractive. This was my break, and probably the last for many many months, so I want to make the most out of it. I want to talk to people, drunkenly make out people, you know, all that shit they do on TV that would get us murdered by parents if they found out. The only thing I was that I couldn't be drunk, so the making out part was out of question. Usually at parties Eternity would be my driver, as she isn't so big on drinking, but since we aren't on speaking terms, it's better to not drink, have a good time and get home safely. Eventually, I found something decent to wear, tried to fix my hair but failed miserably, and hopped out the door, while pulling my shoe on.

Jayden was infamous for his parties. Nobody else could compare with his. Everyone knows how crazy they get, because his parents aren't around as much, and are well off, so his house was moderately big, enough to fit most of the student body in. Jayden's parties were one of the only places everyone could get a break from their piling school work. All differences were put aside one night, nobody bullied anyone and everyone would get along. Soon enough, I had rolled up to the house, music blasting so loud you could hear it from across the ocean, and lights so low they were basically off.

Stepping into the house, I am automatically greeted with at least 4 couples aggressively kissing everywhere. I grimace, wishing I could drink and be as careless and free, walking aways as fast as I can and stumble into the kitchen. All different types of drinks were there, from water to soft drinks and beer to spirits. Normally at Jayden's parties, I would let myself go and get hammered, but today, I was not up to, and frankly couldn't drink away my sorrows, because I knew I would just feel it more.

Walking around for a bit in the huge house, I end up finding myself in a crowded room, full of drunk dancing people, everywhere. Even while sober, everything was a blur. The pounding beat to the music was stabbing at my eardrums, and once every while someone would slam against me, grinding and practically banging their partner's. As much as I wanted to move, there was nowhere else to go. I must have been standing around long enough to completely zone out, because one second I'm peacefully leaning against a wall, the only cold, calming thing in this room, the next, a pair of strong, muscular arms threw themselves around me, startling me and heating up my face and body all over again.

"Alex!" It was Aether, smiling so hard, even in this dimly lit room, with only flashing lights, his smile still glowed brightly. He shook me around a bit and lean his head awkwardly on top of his mind.
"I missed you." He pouted, inches away from my face.
Aether is standing, right in front of my face, drunk out for his mind.

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