Chapter 9

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I was sitting by mama as she talk to the witch about saving daddy. She was about to say something when she looked down at me

"Irri take Neytiri out of the tent." Mama said.

"Yes Khaleesi" irrii said. " come Khalakki let's go."

She pick me up and carried me outside. She put me down and I ran to Ilsa.

"What is happening Ilsa. Why is there a witch with mama and daddy."I asked

She looked shock just as I did. She bend down and grabbed me as I walk by I saw my daddy horse being taken away. Ilsa takes me to my tent and she plays witg me their. We started talking

" whats going to happen to us Ilsa? We have to live in Vaes Dothrak now dont we. I do not want to live in Vaes Dothrak until I'm a khaleesi. I wanna still ride out here in the Great Grass Sea."I said.

" I know let me tell you a story about your mother. Long ago before you were born when your father young. He went out to start his own khalasar and come back to Vaes Dothrak to choose a bride. But a half moon before he came back. He saw another Khalasar. Their Khal welcome them. The talked and laughed and their drinks. The Khal had a beautiful daughter that he didn't want to get married because then she will be a khaleesi and he didn't want. You see this Khal was dissapointed in his khaleesi for giving him a daughter and not a son. When she exited the tent and tour father laid eyes on her. He asked the khal who was that the khal answer that's my daughter but you cannot have her. The next morning their was a painful cry coming from the khalakki tent, your father being concerned ran in and what he saw no one knows but he killed the khal and took his body outside just before the two khalasar went to fight. Your father told them they could join a khal who had never been defeated or die. You see at the time your father hair was just at the middle of his back. The other khalasar drop their weapons and buy wouldn't kneel. One of them had said they didnt swear their lives to the khal but to the khalakki. And at that moment she exited he tent for the last time.

She told him that they will follow her not because of her father but because she's a warrior. Your father laughed. And had one of his men fight her. To say the least he was impressed. He married her right then and there. His khalasar went from 10,000 men to 20,000 men women and children. He went back yo Vaes Dothrak where he presented her to the dosh khaleen and his mother. It had been about three summers after they had met that she fell pregnant and when the dosh khaleen said they will have a daughter that is beautiful as her mother but fierce as her father. Khal Drogo was more proud that day. And every khalasar he went to heard about the prophecy. One Khal said your mother was a disgrace to give her khal a daughter instead of a son first that man paid for his life. And that's the story of you Khalakki and get some rest you need it." Ilsa tucked me in

I felled asleep instantly. I am glad that she told me the story of my parents.

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