Chapter 16

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 " Well we found out who Yunkai powerful friends are. They are called the second sons."Ser barrienstan said.

"And where are the second sons Ser Barrienstan?" Question mama I just smiled at her. Ser barrienstan lead me (i was being carried by Missendei),mamaGrey Worm,and Ser Jorah to where the second sons are at.

Missendei has become my own maid mama says she trust Missendei to watch over me.

"This is them? Send a message that I sould like to talk" Mama says 

"May i ask why Khaleesi?" Ser Jorah said

"Because if they are strong fighters and they need to be paid. They do not want to be loosing to a girl." She said and turned to leave.

Mama made me and the three dragons stay in another tent so the second sons dont see me. They are new and she doesnt want them near me.

*later that might* 

I was sitting on a chair right across from mama and missendei as they talk. I let out a yawn and rubbed my eyes.

"Missendei, please take Neytiri to bed she does not need to be up thia late" i hear mama said.

"Yes Khaleesi" Missendei responded. 

I saw Missendei come near me before tje spund of the door being open sounded. A strange man entered and mama stepped out of the bath. 

"Missendei take her out now." Mama commanded. 

Missendei lifted me out and hurried out the door. 

"Missendei who was that man?" I asked 

"It is no one. Your mother will take care of it I am sure. Now lets get you to bed shall we.: Missendei said.

I laid my head on her shoulder and I passed out asleep.

*the next day*

I was standing around a map with Mama,Grey Worm , Daario Naharis, Ser Jorah, and Ser Barrienstan. I met Daario Naharis that morning and mama said that he is now apart of our army as well as the second sons.

"We can enter here and take over no problem" Daario said

"And how do you plan on is sneaking in the unsullied and the dothraki" asked Ser Jorah

" this is the bed slaves chamber. They know me. When we go there they will enter the doors and I will kill the guards there and the city is yours and the people of yunkai is free." Daario explain

Mama turn to Grey Worm. " Do you trust him. The Unsullied are your to command." She ask in Valarian.

Grey Worm nodded and responded " it is a good plan my queen. It can work."

"Good but Daario you command the second sons, Grey Worm the Unsullied. Work together. Do you understand?" She asked. They both nodded. The ones that left were ser jorah, Daario, Grey Worm. I was waiting in the tent with mama and she held me on her lap rocking me. Ser Barrienstan stayed with us.

"How long does is it take to sack a city." Mama asked. The dragons were on the perches watching for any signs of danger.

" it depends my queen. Sometimes less sometimes more. Do not worry they will return." He said

As soon as he said that Ser Jorah enter the tent covered in blood

"Khaleesi" ser jorah said kneeling 

 Before Ser Jorah could say anything else he was cut off by Daario enter the tent.

" we did it my queen the city is yours now." Daario holded up a flag and smiled. Soon we will head up to Meereen. I look up at mama. Soon everyone went into their bedrooms. Mama washed me and got me ready for bed.

The next day mama got me up and dressed me in a similar outfit like hers and We exited the place we ataying at and went outside of yunkai gates and waited. Soon i saw the gates open. And all the slaves came pouring out. We just stood there watching. All of sudden they started screaming "Mhysa" i looked over to missendei and she told me it ment mother. I watched mama walk over to the dragons with me in tow I hear mama commanded the dragons to fly. The we went to our people, they were all trying to touch us. When I got to the middle someone picked me up so everyone can see me and i watch the dragons fly above me. I looked over and saw mama having the same treatment. I giggled at her and she smiled at me. 

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