Chapter 13

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Me and the dragons started screaming while Nefera started whining suddenly mama come into view. She ran to us quickly.

"My children" mama said as she cups my face.

The bald man said something to mama in her tongue. I was still learning the common tongue and the valyrian. Although i was getting better at the valyrian tongue.

I looked at him as mama turned around. Two more of the same man came into view and mama suddenly had chains on her wrists. Mama looked down behind her and saw that the dragons were surrounded her waiting for a command.


All three dragons started shooting fire out of their mouths and the man started screaming on the ground. The chains fell off of us and mama picked me up and held me close. The dragons climbed up on mama and I grabbed a hold of Nefera and we made our way out of the room. Soon we saw Ser Jorah and one of the bloodridrs. We made the way to where the rest of the Khalasar was at. We noticed that Doreah was not there and we realized that she was the one that stole us. Mama set me down and I put down Nefera and we walked to where the man who allowed us in. When we got there both the man and Doreah were sleeping. They awoke when the man startled awake from having arkah rip his necklace off.

"Khaleesi please he said that you wouldn't make out of here alive."Doreah sobbed

"Come" was all that mama said.

We walked to where a strange circle door was at and one of the bloodriders opened it to reavel nothing was inside there.

"Thank you Xaro Xhoan Daxos for teaching me this leason" mama nods to one of the dothraki and the pushed the man and Doreah into the room.

We walked into a room.

"It was all lies"Ser jorah said

"Looks real enough to me. Real enough to buy a ship?" I asked in dothraki.

"Yes, Khalakki. A small one."ser jorah said.

Mama smiled and picked me up holding me close as she commands her khalasar to pack everything that they can so they can sell it. 

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