Chapter 6

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The next morning mama, daddy, and I were sitting in their tent talking. Well mama and daddy were talking about Rhaego and the prophecy. Mama was braiding daddy hair well daddy was braiding mine. Soon we were finished and daddy left to go hunting again. Mama and I are going to the markets. Mama stood up with her back to me and I climb up. I can easily climb anything. She walked out of the tent and we went over to Ser Jorah, mama told me his name.

"Hello Ser Jorah."she said. I understand most common tongue words but not all. She is teaching me. Apparently I am better at Valayrian then the common tongue at least that's what mama said.

We are also with mama handmaiden Irri and mine Ilsa. We started walking around the market and saw many things. Soon a wine merchant was yelling that he has the best wines and called out to us.

Irri say something that made the perch up and went to get another wine keg. And handed to Rakharo who was guarding us. Ser Jorah came at that moment and spoke. All of sudden mama and I were on the ground and the man was running away.

" what happen mama? Why did he throw us to the ground?" I asked in dothraki as we were being lead away.

" I don't know my child" she replied. Soon it was night out and we stood in the tent waiting for daddy and the blood riders and some of the khalasar to come in. The wine merchant was chained up. Mama told me that a mean khal wanted to kill her. Soon daddy enter the tent. He looked right at us then he death glared the merchant and grabbed a torch. He threw it in the pit storming to us.

" moon of my life. Khalakki are you hurt?" He asks well cupping our faces with his hand. We shake our heads and he kisses mama forehead and he strokes my hair. Then he turns to Jorah and says. "Ser Jorah I heard what you did. You may choose a horse from my herd and it is yours. And to my son I also pledge a gift To him I will give this iron chair his mother's father sat in. I will give him Seven Kingdoms. I, Drogo, khal, will do this thing.'' His voice rose, and he lifted his fist in the sky. ''I will take my khalasar west to where the world ends, and ride the wooden horses across the black salt water as no khal has done before. I will kill the men in the iron suits and tear down their stone houses. I will rape their women, take their children as slaves, and bring their broken gods back to Vaes Dothrak to bow down beneath the Mother of Mountains. This I vow, I, Drogo son of Bharbo. This I swear before the Mother of Mountains, as the stars look down in witness." The whole khalasar cheered and he looked at us.

*the next morning*

we were coming out of Vaes Dothrak. I was riding my horse by myself next to mama and we were riding rich behind daddy. Mama was dragging the merchant who tried to kill her. Our bloodrider are right behind us.

The man only lived for a short while before clasping on the ground. We make a water break to feed the horse and give them water. Soon it is time to leave we ride for a few more hours before we stop to rest for the night. Mama takes me to my tent which was already set up. She bathes me and dresses me for the night. She had order the guards to sleep outside as well as Ilsa. She said it is to give me privacy and if I need anything I could call out to them. As soon as mama laid me down I passed out having already had dinner with mama and daddy.

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