Chapter 18

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I spent the next few weeks with a guard by my side apparently there was a man killed by people called the harpies. Mama held a trial and ended up killing the man that killed one of the unsullied. And since then many of the people are unstable and mama fears that someone will take me away and use me. Right now mama is having another audiance with a man and he wants to open the fighting pits. As usual i had to wait outside with Missendei.

"Missendei why must i always be outside when mama does not want me to know things?" I asked.

"She is just trying to protect you that is all, Khalkki." Missendei said.

"My ave allowed me to sit in on his meetings all the time. He said he was training me to be smart as well as deadly. He hardly left me alone. I miss him everyday." I said.

"What was he like, Khalakki?"Missendei asked.

"Mmm he was big and strong and he protected me from everything and anything" i let out a tired yawn.

"And i think it is someone to go take a nap." Missendei said.

I lift my arms up and she cried me back to my chambers were and left me to take my nap. As soon as the doors were shut i opened my eyes and listen for any sounds. I giggled and went to open my door, i peered outside and saw no one watching the door. I quickly ran out and down the long hallway and outside of the pyrmaid surpisingly no one caught me. Soon i came to my ddstination and saw two unsullied guarding the entrance. I made my way to a small hidden door that no one knew and walked down the steps.

"Rhaegal, Viserion where are you?" I called out.

Two screeches were heard before fire was bursted over my head and Viserion and Rhaegal was nuzzling me.

"I missed you too. Mama been more busy being queen and it is comforting to be here with you two. I am sorry that i do not have any meat for you today i had to sneak out during nap time" i said

Rhaegal let out a purr while Viserion let out a whimper. The dragons have gotton bigger since i last saw them. I stayed there for a few more minutes before giving them each a kiss.

"I have to go now but tomorrow i promise to give you a piece of meat." I said.

Rhaegal was pushing me to where i came from amd they both gave out a roar as a goodbye. I quickly made my way back to where the castle was and hurring back to my room. I laid on my bed and closed my eyes letting sleep find me. 

*sorry for such a short champter but it was kind of a filler chapter but i hope you enjoy it anyways*

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 26, 2022 ⏰

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