"Chairman...Master Baekhyun sure must have his reasons-"


"Do you work for me or Him Secretary Kim!?"

What the-

"Father...Hyun Oppa was just-"

Huh? Son Seung Won?

Wait....what the hell is happening here??

Why is she here??

"Don't speak another till we get home, Wendy." A lady walking beside her quickly snapped at her to be quiet. I stood a little stunned when they passed me.

The chairman walked straight towards Baekhyun and stopped before him. Before Baekbeom could say anything-


The sound was so loud and clear almost everyone was looking at them.

What the f*ck?!

How dare he hit my Baekhyun??!

I could feel my blood boiling at the scene.

Before I knew it I was walking towards them. I clenched my fist in anger.

"-This...Grandpa gave it to you, but you ruined it...Mom was the one who saved it! You simply stood back and waited for her to save it. You did nothing!"

"You brat-!" Just as he raised his hands again. I held his wrist strong as I came in between Baekhyun and him.

"Stop this Instance before I call the police," I said threateningly, my voice cold. He tried to get away but my grip only tightened.

How dare you hurt him?!

"What?! Do you have any idea who you are speaking to??" He growled and yanked his hands off my grip.

I am still not sure of Baekhyun's exact relationship with this man. But If Beom is his brother...and He's the son of the BBL chairman...

Then this man must be Baekhyun's Father...

But I don't f*cking care!

"I don't care who you are, But you are disrupting a public place and harming a person. That's more than enough to report it to the police. Say what? Want me to call?" I asked smirking waving my phone.

I could see the chairman's eyes looking around. The secretary came behind the chairman and whispered something.

"There's a lot of eyes here Chairman Byun...It won't be a good idea to make more commotion."

The chairman clicked his tongue as he turned and walked away. The secretary looked a little relieved.

"Hyun Oppa-

"Just come with me-! We are going home." The lady pulled Seungwon away not allowing her to speak.

I quickly turned towards Baekhyun who looked quite shocked.

"Baekhyun...Are you okay?" I asked studying his face. His cheeks were getting red from that slap. His hands were still trembling a little.


"Baekhyun?" BaekBeom called out worried

"Huh...? Ah Yeah...I am...fine." Baekhyun snapped back and looked at us. "I am okay...But h-how did you come here-? No, how long were you here??" Baekhyun turned towards me blinking confused.

"You two know each other?" Baekhyun's brother asked surprised looking at us. I quickly turned towards him and greeted him.

"H-Hello! I am Park Chanyeol, his friend. I work together with him. I was here for meeting with a writer. I saw this...By chance. " I said a little worried. 

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