Chapter 20

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After I knew he is Mafia King and I am pretty much in danger. But still my love for him made me to go lengths and take risks for him.

I woke up next to him wearing his white graffiti print t-shirt with my shorts on. His coats were pretty much becoming my favorite style of clothing and I like it very much and not planning of returning it to him.

We were in the living room trying to pick a movie to watch as we eat our breakfast.

"You like it don't you "

"Like what ?"

"My clothes!?"

"Yeah just your cloths" I chuckled.

"Oh really?"

"Yeah definitely it's your cloths. Come on did your dream of me liking you.Oof man grow up"

"Yes ma'am" he rolled his eyes at me.

"Yes kid" he pushed me down and started to tickle me till the very moment I was not able to breathe.

"Stop enough " I spoke in between my laughs.

"I won't,you look cute "

"Stop- I"

"No no no, not today my queen"

"Ahhhh stoppp" I screamed on top of my lungs laugh out as tear rolls down my cheek.

"That's enough for today" he laughed.

"Man you're crazy"

After we both relaxed we started to look into the TV on what to binge watch.As we both took a day off from work and planned to spend time together.

"So what do you wanna watch"

"Drive to survive?"

"Really?" He raised an eyebrow at me.

"Yeah why not ?"

"This I think first time I am seeing a girl who is seriously not obsessed  with being a girly type".

"You're gay" I hit his arm as I raised my eyebrows and mocked him.

"For you I am" he smirked.

"Okay let's watch it now"

"As you wish. It's my honor" replied

"Stop talking like your the Queen of
England "

" DramaQueen"he laughed.

So we ended up Binge watching Drive to survive 3 seasons. With loads of popcorn,chocolates,and Soda cans all over.

As we chilled and relaxed the whole day,we both didn't see the time. I saw the clock and it was past 6 pm in the evening. It was getting dark.

"It's getting late let's grab some dinner" I insisted.

"Yeah I am hungry"

"So what do you want for dinner "

"Should we order ?"

"Yeah that's a perfect idea and-"

I was interrupted by the doorbell ringing.

I walked up to the main door and saw Chris,Luna,Oliver,Azusa,Andrew,Zena and their kids waiting front door. I opened the door for them.

"Hey Ass what took you so long" she threw her bag on me"

"Ouch that hurts monster" I laughed at Chris.

"Hey Girl"

"Hey bitch" Luna laughed
"Hey Sister" Azusa called out.

"Hey there" I smiled.

"Hey Andrew and Zena"

"Hello Asena" they both replied at the same time.

"Hiiiii Aunt Asena,I missed you" Kace came running into my arms.

"Have we met before" I asked him

"No, but N
Simon uncle has told me all about you and I couldn't wait any longer to meet you. You're fun is what he told."

"Haha ofcourse I'm fun" I looked and Simon as he rolled his eyes.Zena was just glued to her phone and that's how a teenager life is got a admit that part.

"Oliver long time now see"

"Yeah,work is getting on top of my head "He
Showed me the wine bottle he brought in for tonight. "

And after everyone settled down in the living room Kate and Zena pretty much went Next to the Patio and settled themselves with Chris running behind Kace.

"So how have you been Asena?"Azusa broke the silence.

"I'm good" I gave a soft smile in return.Somon noticed that I was been reminded of the things that happened few weeks ago and I've been healing from it he rubbed my had and gestured its gonna be fine.

"And you idiot?"She threw the cushion on Simon.

"I'm fine Sassy pants"he chuckled

"So the reason we gathered here is for a important reason"

"What is it?"I asked I was clueless about the whole situation there.

"I don't want to bring up the past but now that you both came alive is the most important thing"

"Simiii didn't allow even us to come and look at him or u "she stared Simon to death.

"You guys will make a scene " he raised his hands in surrender.

"As I graduated recently. Andrew and Simii both planned for file a case against Tom"

"I'll be taking over this case and will be handing it with my team" Azusa stated.
I was just nodding my head.

"Now that he almost tried to kill you both he will be sentenced for atleast 10 years and that's the best".

"Now that it was know to the world that he is a Mafia Leader he will be punished accordingly" Andrew's added.

"Will there be any harm to us ?" I looked at Simon and then turned my head to Asuza.

"No we won't have any problem and we are very much safe".

"No one knows that we are a major Mafia group "Azusa stated.

"We do have gun licenses which are legal and won't have a trouble"

"Then,I guess let's move this forward "

"Well and Good"Andrew smiled.


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