"After breakfast which is at 10:00, we all hang out for about two hours until he goes to work." She stops at a red light. "He comes back around five and me and him... talk... while Sy and Ria are hanging out." She smirks then starts driving again when the light turns green. "Then when Ria gets back we either go home or hang out with Matt, cooking or doing our night routine."

"Anyways, that's just his routine when me and Mia Belleza spend the night."

"I'm jealous." I huff.

Matteo and Lori have this perfect life with a beautiful daughter and what do I have? I'm not an idiot, Seri needs a father-figure and Matteo can't be that forever since he isn't her father.

I need to start dating.

We arrive at Mc. Donald's and walk inside. People turn their heads in our direction in shock and I see some whip out their phone. "Shit, I forgot we were famous." I mutter to Lori.

Maria grins and sings repeatedly, "Tia said a bad word."

Lori glances at everyone in the room with a gentle smile. "If any of you are going to post these videos, please do it after we leave." She continues. "We all know paparazzi is a bit much with celebrities and I have my daughter with me."

Some people reply with an "Okay" or "alright." We move up the line until we're first and ready to order. "Hello, how are you?" The worker, Lina, asks.

"We're doing fine, and you?" I smile at the young woman and she just stares at me in awe. I awkwardly look to Lori to see her stifling laughter.

Lina finally snaps out of it after a long two minutes. "Oh! Sorry, I'm doing amazing. What can I get for you today?"

Lori tells her the order of three whoppers, a happy meal, a chicken sandwich, a spicy chicken sandwich, and ice-cream. Lina thins her lips. "I'm sorry, the ice-cream machine is broken, we can get a McFlurry, though."

I think about it then nod and pay. "Alright. Thank you."

"No problem. Have a good day,
your order will be with you shortly." She states and we move to the side as the next person orders.

I check my watch and see it's 11:45. "Lori, we're going to be late." I inform her. She sighs. "Nothing we can do about it."

We wait about 10 more minutes and our food finally is finished. Lori and I yell a "thank you" and "bye" then get back in the car.

As Lori's buckling Maria up and I'm eating my spicy chicken sandwich in peace, I start to hear the annoying sound of pictures flashing and crazy reporters rushing up to our car right now.

I get out, chicken sandwich in hand, and go to talk to them nicely. "Hello, please don't get to close to our car. There's a five-year-old."

Questions fly out and I answer, "Are you thinking of an alliance with De Santis Corp?"— I don't even know what that is— "Isn't it Maria's birthday?"— yes— "Are you pregnant?"— should I be offended?— and many more. Though, they listened to my request and stayed away from the car.

I check the time and see it's 12:04. Lori finishes with Maria's seatbelt and once people see her, they start asking her questions she's forced to answer. "How are you and Matteo?"— fine— "Why don't you live with your husband?"— personal reasons— "Do you want anymore children?" — Maria's enough of a headache. Then she finally tells them, "look, I've got to go. Lana and I are running late to Maria's birthday party."

"Okay! We love you Alana!" And. "We love you Lori." I blow the crazy assholes a kiss and get back in the car.

Lori drives off and I mutter, "I ducking hate paparazzi." She snorts at my use of words.

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