( 19. ) Crescent

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The original universe for this character is still in development

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The original universe for this character is still in development.


Name: Crescent Avalon
Nice name! It sounds nice and is definitely unique.

Nicknames: Rich jerk (Taffy), Princey (Oliver)
Nice nicknames! They're fun, memorable, and have a straightforward meaning.

Sexuality: Bisexual, demiromantic

Age: 23

Gender: Male

Occupation: Prince of Asthyria

Goal: To be recognized as a great ruler.
A straightforward yet good goal. It offers a lot of place for cool plots, tension, and character development to take place.

Role: Anti-hero (develops later on as an actual hero)
Interesting! It'll be fun seeing how this works out in the story.


Personality: Crescent has a very rude and sarcastic demeanor, which often turns others away from him. He is also extremely ambitious, and would stop at nothing to get what he wants, it varies on the situation on whether this could be classified as a good thing or not. Very intelligent, but also vain and frankly a bit narcissistic. Despite all this, he -could- act polite to others if required or he just wants to, mainly to keep up public appearances. He also has an extravagant and lavish side, and would frequently gift those he deem worthy of his time with costly gifts.
Nice mix of traits! Being ambitious is useful, and in some cases even essential, to becoming a good ruler. Alongside his intelligence, Crescent can have more advantages to achieve his goals quicker. However, being rude and narcissistic can really put others off, and even ruin Crescent's reputation. Thankfully, Crescent can act polite, though it's rather rare. Despite having an overall unpleasant nature, Crescent does like giving gifts to those he deems worthy, which can help make him more likeable as a ruler. That is, if you can prove yourself worthy.

Overall, well done. It matches with Crescent and can definitely create good conflict!

- His pet cat, Elyon. (Cats exist in this universe, although they're different from their real-world counterparts in that they act as magical amplifiers and have a psychic connection with their masters, they also live really long lives.) He got her for his 9th birthday gift and they've formed a close bond since then.
- The fine arts. He likes all things upper-class, but specifically has an interest in artistic ones the most. He's also a good dancer and painter.
- Collecting expensive artifacts. It's more of a hobby for him though, since he likes bragging about his collection to visitors but holds no actual attachment to any of them.

- Being controlled or forced to act in a certain way. He occasionally wouldn't mind stepping down, to maybe relax a bit and let someone else handle his job, but overall he just wants to be in control of his life and the others around him and he hates it when others try to take that away from him.
- Overly-optimistic people. They remind him of his past self, and he delights in destroying their idealism.
- Commoners. He was raised to believe that they were all a bunch of lazy slobs who never worked hard enough to become remotely successful, and he hates unambitious people.
Nice mix of like and dislikes! The descriptions gave some useful information too, even hinting at some of Crescent's other interests.

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