( 17. ) Wakumi

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Takes place in the bnha universe, however, Wakumi doesn't follow the storyline or have anything to do with the main characters in the story.

Having a character follow their own story is something both original and interesting. The MHA universe, because of quirks, allows plenty of cool and diverse plots to take place.


Full Name: Ikeda Wakumi
Short and unique!
Name Meaning:
Wakumi - Wakumi means "beautiful spring of water" in the kanji it's spelt with.
Ikeda - A common family name meaning "rice field by the lake."
Nicknames and Reasonings:
Mimi - A common things friends and fans call her, a play on "Wakumi."
Waku - Her internet alias, meaning "calm or serene." She named most of her social medias 'Waku.'
Everything looks good here! They're both very cute nicknames.
Age: 28
Older characters are quite rare, even though Wakumi isn't even that old. Nice job on originality though!
Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Aromantic heterosexual


Overall: Wakumi puts on a very sweet and calm façade, purposefully trying to play herself out to be a very peaceful and nice person. She acts very airheaded and ditzy, and more often than not dumbs herself down in front of others or her audience to really play into the 'innocent' act she's going for.
In reality, however, she's a very self-centered and manipulative liar, who strives to cause as much drama as she possibly can by talking behind people's backs and getting herself into controversies behind the scenes. She lives for the attention and even her own motto is "any coverage is good coverage."
Wakumi doesn't care about anyone but herself, not her family, not even her "friends."
She has a horrible victim complex and never believes she's done anything wrong, going as far as to guilt trip and bait people into thinking that she isn't at fault.
When the going gets tough, Wakumi will run. She's not willing to put in any hard work for anything other than her own personal gain, and if she's called out for her actions and manipulation doesn't work, Wakumi takes to running instead.
She has a death fear of commitment, afraid that if she commits herself to a relationship it won't be all about her anymore, so she frequently ghosts people if she feels they're not useful to her anymore.
What a complex yet interesting personality! It obviously has it's positive and negative traits.

Though Wakumi puts on a clueless and calm attitude, she's actually a selfish person, loving to stir up drama and making sure things are always in her favor. Of course, Wakumi is a skilled manipulator because of that, and won't be caught that easily. However, this doesn't mean that Wakumi is immune to getting caught. If she was faced with someone observant and smart enough, they'd notice something is off about the "innocent" girl, which will probably cause conflict. It'll be fun seeing Wakumi come up with a solution, especially because she tends to run away when things get hard.

Likes: Cosmetics, extravagantly spending money, gold, the aesthetic of western media, romantic comedies, pop music, city pop, bar jazz, alcoholic drinks, cigarettes, american beauty standards, television, drama, reality tv.
Dislikes: things she deems "cheap," 'modern' american décor, peace, relationships, white meat, beer

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