( 12. ) Hosuh

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WARNING ;; mentions of suicide and death.

WARNING ;; mentions of suicide and death

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An original universe/fandom.

Each alternative universe comes from a base world. Consider it as a building block where people can swap out pieces, add pieces or remove pieces. If the base world is disrupted in any way, they put the other alternate worlds in danger.

Usually, a 'glitch' happens which causes an event in the original timeline that isn't supposed to exist. This event usually kills off a person. The person is usually aware that this isn't supposed to happen right before their final moments.

When that person dies, their soul is taken and transferred into another body by a 'God'. Many different gods take care of the world. This God is tasked to take care of the disruption that happens in the base world.

This God puts them in new bodies, so the base world can continue. Even without them in the world, it tricks the world into thinking that they are still there. Why can't God simply put them back in their world with a new body, like nothing ever happened? Well, the disruption will happen again later down the line. This way, it stops the disruptions completely.

People on 'Earth' or our world are the Gods to them. We create alternate worlds and puppet them around as we please. The people who are part of the disruption are made aware of the actual gods. A person from Earth can cross over into their world through methods of reality shifting. Though we gods aren't aware of them being real. It's our subconscious preventing us from finding out the actual truth. A person part of a glitched event can never cross to Earth. Nobody, nor methods have ever been successful. The Gods pray each day that it will be that way

If a god dies, whatever they are in charge of dies off. On rare occasions another god takes control, but that only happens once in a blue moon. There are base words that have died or been erased due to this.

The people who are part of the disruption are made to fight or fix broken timelines and restore them. Alternate worlds that have a 'glitched' event aren't as serious as a base world but are still required fixing as it could disrupt other timelines.

They reside in a land with others. They are now immortal and binded to this duty.

Immortals: A soul gets trapped in a never aging puppet/body. The body can still function like a normal humans would, but things such as food and water are not a necessity in keeping it functioning. Though, rest helps befits there body

They can't get sick, but they can still feel any kind of pain. If a body part where to be separated from them, they would be able to still function properly before the effects of blood loss hits them. They can recover there own limbs, but this process takes a while. At least 2-3 days. Throughout this process, they will feel intense pain of the process of there skin, bone, and flesh being pulled out; reforming there limbs. Minor cuts will heal faster

The Gods can stitch them back to together which is a somewhat less painful option. That's only on rare occasions if they are feeling nice.

Current Situation: Someone from Earth somehow crossed over into their world. This is due to the number of alternate universes being created every second some worlds started to melt/merge. They are currently trying to find a way home for them, a way to erase their memories of them as none of them have memory-erasing powers

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