( 3. ) Vanath

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OC BY MAGAM321▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔▔NOTESOct 12, 2021: This was a very organized oc form, but I had a few issues with the images and the fonts

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Oct 12, 2021: This was a very organized oc form, but I had a few issues with the images and the fonts. I'll try to put those up later.


Chosen by me and the owner of this oc.


It's an original, urban fantasy world. About 39% of the world population is supernatural. The supernatural population never had any big reveal - they have always existed and been known. There are three major types of species: humans, Celestials and supernaturals. My OC is a Celestial.

There are 2 planes of reality (you can think of them as dimensions), and the barrier between them is very thin - celestials can cross it with ease. There's this universe (including earth), and the Celestial plane. The Celestial plane consists of: The Light Planes (often mis-names as "Heaven"), The Dansr Rings (often mis-named as "Hell") and Limbo, the space in between those two.
The 2 planes of reality is a unique and interesting feature. We're off to a good start!

How exactly the Celestials came to be is unknown. They were a hive-mind of not-quite-formed beings without a body (just a light bubble of sorts) occupying the Light Planes. None of the Celestials really remember that time. Then, *something* happened and around 11 000 years ago, the celestial plane connected to the normal plane. The hive-mind observed, and decided to change. They decided on a common look, and then chose and created bodies for themselves. They became more like humans. They developed individual minds, though they were still connected on an emotional and spiritual level to each other. Fully developing took them around 1000 years. They never had a name, but humans called them angels/demons, and the name stuck, much to their displeasure.
The whole developing process makes sense, and it's pretty cool that Celestials still are connected to each other (in a way). Also, the fact that Celestials dislike being called angels/demons caught my attention, but is also makes sense why (readers, you'll find out why later).

Angels have bird-like wings, and a halo that grows out of their heads, that connects them to each other.

All Celestials used to be angels. When an angel "fell", they became demons. Archangels are more powerful angels. When an archangel falls, they become an archdemon, and their fall creates another Dansr Ring and they become magically tied to it, and become it's ruler. Angels are ruled by Archangels. Demons are ruled by Archdemons. There are currently 7 Dansr Rings. There are currently 20 Arch-Celestials.

That's an interesting concept.

The Fall: when an angels breaks a rule the archangels set, or is deemed corrupt by the archangels, they go through the fall. The fall is... painful. One of the Archangels is chosen as the punisher, and all others watch. First, the halo is broken into horns, and the connection to the rest of the celestials is broken. Then, the punished gets their wings (and more often than not, parts of their body) burned by celestial fire. Beautiful bird-esque wings become black, and scarred. Then, they are stabbed by a celestial sword, and kicked out to the Dansr Rings.
That's dark, but, honestly, it makes sense.

Powers: all celestials have a pair of wings, superb strengths, speed, etc and can use magic. Arch-celestials can summon a celestial sword and can wield magic so powerful that they could break continents in half if they really tried. All arch-celestials agreed to limit their use of their powers, lest they risk the others' response.
Though I'm not a fan of overpowered characters/species, I won't consider Celestials overpowered, since I think a major flaw for using their powers for bad (especially if they're an archangel), will just make them into a demon/archdemon.

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