( 13. ) Hunter

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WARNING ;; slight mention of mental illness

WARNING ;; slight mention of mental illness

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Fandom: My own
Add more details on the universe/fandom. Hunter's backstory won't really make sense if he existed in our current world (at this exact moment/year).
Name: Hunter Benjamin Lynch
Hunter is not the most unique name, but it's still quite uncommon, so it'll pass. Very interesting and unique last name though!
Age: 14-20
Sexuality: Straight
Gender: Male

This section needs more information. Nicknames, species, current residence (country, planet, etc) and race/ethnicity (if applicable) are the important details that are missing.

If you want, you can also do smaller details such as status (dead, alive, or unknown), birthday, zodiac, name/surname/middle name meaning, pronouns, languages they speak, etc.


Looks: Snow White fluffy hair, it looks messy and Tangled but you can run your fingers through it with no problem, Light blue eyes, wears a white T-shirt, black ripped jeans, a faded light blue jacket, black combat boots and had bandages in his neck arms and legs.
Hunter's hair and bandages are unique traits that would surely make him stand out! However, Hunter's clothing is kind of plain. If you don't want to change it much, try adding more accessories, such as scarves, hats, glasses, bags, scars, gloves, markings (freckles, tattoos, birthmarks, etc), jewelry (watches, rings, necklaces, piercings, and even earrings can look masculine), etc.

Also, be sure to add Hunter's body, height, weight, skin tone, posture, and usual expression (neutral, bored, happy, slight smile, distant, etc).


Personality: Calm, shy, nice, caring.
More details. This gives others a glimpse of how Hunter acts, but it isn't enough to make a fleshed out and memorable character. Below, I provided a list of questions and traits to add onto Hunter's personality.

Make sure to choose a balanced mix of traits (meaning that there should be around the same amount of bad and good traits. It's up to you how much neutral traits to use, but don't make them Hunter's whole personality). That is one of the keys to make a great personality!

Good Traits
- Brave
- Protective
- Sneaky
- Observant
- Witty
- Trustworthy
- Charismatic
- Easygoing
- Carefree. Not completely sure if this is a good trait.
- Adventurous
- Determined
- Hard working

Bad Traits
- Obsessive
- Easily jealous
- Overprotective
- Impulsive
- Anti-social
- Awkward
- Aloof
- Manipulative. This can also be considered a good trait, depending on how it's used.
- Reckless

Neutral Traits
- Stoic
- Quiet
- Secretive/Reserved
- Playful

You can search for more traits online. They have many lists to choose from!

What will make him break? All characters, no matter how cold or unfeeling they may be, will have something that emotionally/mentally destroys them.

What are his habits/quirks? Small, not really important things Hunter constantly does.

How does he act when he's feeling a certain emotion? Anger, sadness, happiness, and fear are the main ones to list, but other emotions (envy, disgust, etc) can also help flesh Hunter out.

What are his strengths and weaknesses? This can be regarding personality, health, skills, appearance, and many other categories. We all have a mix of strengths and weaknesses, and they are an important piece of building tension within the story/roleplay!

What type of people does he get along with? Why? This could be as simple as that Hunter's traits are the same/similar to theirs (a reckless person with a adventurous person) or fit well with each other (a calm person with a carefree person).

What type of people does he dislike? Why? This could be as simple as that Hunter's traits conflict with theirs. For example, if Hunter was curious and reckless, he'd probably not hang out with someone who's paranoid and lazy.

There are other tips online to help make Hunter even more fleshed out, and I'd be glad to provide you with some links!

(*Because there wasn't a lot of information, I didn't create a whole section for these bits, since it would be kind of empty.)

Siblings: Emily, Zachariah
Disorders: PTSD, OCD, Obsessive love disorder
It's totally cool for your character to have multiple disorders! Make sure to research their symptoms and causes well though, and make them have effects on the story/roleplay.


He had spent half of his life inside because of his parents being embarrassed by his white hair since they were a very wealthy family.

Why is it bad to have white hair? What does it mean?

His family hired tutors for him so he didn't have to go to school. He grew up with mostly books and paper. His parents forced him to learn how to fight since they wanted him to be perfect to make up for his "flaw". 

How exactly does fighting make up for Hunter's "flaw"?

When he was finally able to go to school he had met Grace Silverstone.

Around what age was Hunter allowed to go to school? Why did his parents made him go to school all of a sudden? If you can't make up a reason why, Hunter could've met Grace outside of school (on a playground, she always passed by his house, etc).

They had become friends and Hunter grew a liking towards Grace and would do anything to keep her from leaving him and from anyone taking her away from him. This fear of Grace running away came from the mental abuse his family put him through, Grace being the first to show love and kindness to Hunter except for his only childhood friend.
Who was Hunter's childhood friend and how did they meet? What's their relationship like now?

Overall, this is a good and unique backstory! However, it's missing the reasoning behind some parts (usually regarding worldbuilding) and some information.

Also, how did Hunter start develop his mental disorders? I don't know much about PTSD or OCD, but if they aren't passed down genetically, there must a situation or a series of situations that caused them to happen. Research comes handy here, since you'll know when and how these disorders develop, and how hard Hunter will suffer from them (try not to go overboard with symptoms because Hunter would be too mentally unstable to serve the plot correctly).
Obsessive love disorder seems good, since after so many years of isolation, someone would probably develop strong feelings (romantic or not) over another person, especially if this person treats them with kindness.


There's limited knowledge of Hunter's personality, but I can tell he's a shy, calm, and caring person who didn't have the best life.

It isn't clear why being born with white hair is bad, but Hunter was isolated from society for a long time because of this. His family hired tutors and even taught him how to fight to make up for Hunter's "flaw". He developed PTSD and OCD at one point, though it isn't known how hard the disorders are for him.

At school, Hunter met Grace, a girl who treated him with kindness and respect. He developed a liking for her, to the point where it became an obsession. Hunter will do anything to for Grace to stay, possibly to the point of murdering others...

Interesting story that has a twisted romance theme to it! If done well, Hunter's story can also fit into the thriller, mystery, and/or horror genres, making it more exciting and leaving readers hooked until the last page.

The problem with Hunter is that there's plenty of important information missing about him. Not all parts will be easy to fill out, but creating complex, realistic, and memorable characters isn't easy. Make sure to add likes, dislikes, fears, goals, and relationships as well.

When doing Hunter's relationships, list at least his family, friends, love interest, rivals/enemies, and possibly significant teachers. Include how they met, what the relationship used to be like, what it's like now, and how do they spend time together.
Since Hunter didn't meet much people in his life, choosing an enemy or rival can be difficult. However, it's essential to create a good story. Some ideas for an enemy/rival would be Grace's ex, Grace's boyfriend, Grace's crush, another person who likes Grace, someone who doesn't want Grace and Hunter together, someone who Hunter envies, or someone who Hunter hates.

With some work, Hunter would make a great character! Don't feel bad that he currently isn't, because there's always time to improve, and nobody is perfect! Simple words, but that's the truth.

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