Seven - Conflict

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They blinked sluggishly, cracking their eyes open. Then they realised there was some kind of light in the room and shut them again

"Xornoth- can you wake up?" They could make out Scott's voice now, and it was nothing short of annoying.

They flung their eyes open immediately. "What the fuck do you want?"

They attempted to swing upwards but ended up hitting their head on the bedframe, swearing and wincing. Their antlers hurt enough to send little shudders down their spine, and when they rolled over to try and get them out of the way, they came face to face with Scott.

Okay, maybe that was an exaggeration. Scott was lying on his stomach on the ground, but he was respectfully remaining outside of the bed frame. Which really wasn't that high of a bar, but it was something.

Something that didn't matter because he was still a bitch.

"Oh just- wake up." He groaned.

"I'm already awake." They snapped at him, glaring even though they had woken up not only a few moments ago. It was painful, the fact that they had only just become awake and they were already having to deal with him, of all people.

"Well if you're awake, could you come out?"

A rather evil thought crossed their mind and they gave him a ragged, pointed grin, just a little bit too wide to be properly humourous.

"I'm gay." Their mouth split open to reveal the rows of sharp teeth crammed into their gums, ready to rip his flesh out the moment he moved closer to them.

Scott gave them a look of nothing but pure exasperation. "I already knew that, Xornoth."

The grin snapped off their face and it returned to its natural state of scowling. Trust him to be so dramatic and angsty about a joke. It wasn't even as bad as their normal jokes - he should be glad they joked about being gay instead of cannibalism, the pale fuck.

"Can you come out from under the bed already?" He looked ten times more annoyed than he usually did, something which they didn't even think was possible. Apparently it was, because he looked nothing short of extra salty.

They really didn't have the energy for sarcasm, but something about his stupid little face convinced them to be. With a long suffering sigh they splayed themself onto the floor dramatically. "I could theoretically come out from under the bed, but I suppose the question is whether I want to or not."

Scott did not look amused.

"Of course, in the end, everything will succumb to entropy and we will all die." They rose an eyebrow at him before sighing, clutching a hand against their chest. They faked a sniffle.

Scott still did not look amused. "I'm going to talk to Gem about therapy the next-"

"No-" Xornoth cut him off, a sort of rapid anxiety rising in their chest. The idea of the wizard sat opposite them, coldly asking them questions about their emotions and whatever trauma they might have was something that made them want to instinctively crawl somewhere and hide.

"Then get out of the bed."

They glared at him, look more poisonous than a witches brew. Fucking bitch, using thinly veiled threats to get them to do things, as if he couldn't make them do anything at the click of a finger.

"Come on." Scott's hand latched around their wrist and they blinked in surprise before the next thing they knew, they were being dragged away from the bed and into the floor of the regular room. There was still no carpet, resulting in it being literal hell for their ribs and injuries, but it wasn't like they could do much else than go along with it. Asshole.

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