➊➑: Trust Fund Baby

Start from the beginning

Emily asked, "What?"

"You're kidding?" Lorelai said.

Emily asked, "When?"

"We're going to get meet our great-grandma?" Rory asked.

"Lorelai the first," Richard said.

Emily asked, "When?"

"I was named after her," Lorelai added.

"I figured," Rory said.

Emily said, "Richard, when?"

"You're going to love her," Richard continued. "My mother is brilliant, absolutely brilliant."

"We share that also," Lorelai added.

Emily said, "I'm asking a question here, does no one hear me? Am I suddenly invisible?"

Delilah felt a little smug at Emily suddenly being ignored, since it was how she always felt, but then a little guilty at being smug over it.

"I'm sorry," said Richard. "What was the question?"

Emily asked, "When is your mother arriving?"

"A week from today," said Richard. "Rory, Lila, I'm telling you, it's going to be such a treat."

"Excuse me," Emily said, before leaving.

"I still can't get over that I'm related to God," Lorelai said. "It's going to make getting Madonna tickets for much easier."

After dinner, Lorelai drove home, Rory said, "So tell me more about her."

"I don't really know that much," Lorelai replied, driving.

"Well, you know more than we do," Rory said.

"Well, let's see," Lorelai started. "She moved to London when Grandpa died, but she didn't like to travel, so once a year, Mom and Dad would go to visit her, usually leaving me behind, much to my relief by the way, and that's it. The rest I know from stories just like you."

"Grandpa says I remind him of her," Rory said.

"That is the biggest compliment that can be wrenched out of Grumpy McFarlen, believe me," Lorelai said.

"I hope she likes us," Rory said.

"She'll love you two," Lorelai said.

"I hope and Grandma get along," Rory said.

"She'll love you two," Lorelai repeated using the same tone.

Delilah refused to get her hopes up. Her grandparents on her father's side didn't like her and Rory and Emily and Richard weren't exactly proud of her.

 Her grandparents on her father's side didn't like her and Rory and Emily and Richard weren't exactly proud of her

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