➊➒: We'll Be the White Rabbits

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At the end of the week, they had another Friday night dinner, it was just Lorelai, Rory, and Delilah.

"Grandma, can I have some baby pictures of you and Grandpa?" Rory asked.

Emily asked, "Any particular reason?"

"Yeah, we're doing this visual family history project for school," Rory asked.

"Oh," replied Emily. "Well, if it's for school, I suppose I could dig something up."

"And I need some of Mom too," Rory stated.

"I thought we already had this conversation," Lorelai told her.

"Yeah, but I don't believe you," Rory replied.

To Emily, Lorelai said, "Mother, tell her."

"I don't have any baby pictures of your mother," Emily said.

"Thank you," Lorelai replied.

Delilah asked Emily, "Why don't you have baby pictures of Mom?"

Emily explained, "Because when your mother was seven, I came downstairs and found her burning all of her baby pictures."

Rory looked at Lorelai, "Why would you do that? I'm sure you were a cute baby."

"She was," Emily said. "She was very cute."

Lorelai counted down, "Four, three, two, one."

Emily continued, "In most respects."

"Then we have lift off," Lorelai said.

Delilah asked Emily, "What do you mean by that?"

"Nothing," Lorelai told her.

"I don't see what the problem is," Emily responded. "You certainly grew into it."

"Grown into what?" Rory asked.

"As a child, your mother had an unusually large head," Emily stated.

Delilah looked at Lorelai, wondering if that was true, or if Emily was just being like what Vanessa is to Matt. She arched an eyebrow, "Really?"

"The best thing about it was that she would tell me constantly," Lorelai said. "My first complete sentence was 'Big head want dolly'."

Delilah found it hard to believe that someone could be that cruel to their own child.

"I can't imagine it being that bad," Rory stated.

"It wasn't," replied Emily. "It just affected her balance a little, so..."

"Okay, can we please talk about something besides my formerly huge head?" Lorelai begged.

Rory looked down at the floor, "Are these new chairs, Grandma?"

"Why, yes Rory, they are," Emily said.

Delilah looked at her chair.

Lorelai did the same, asking, "They are?"

"I got them from a dealer up in Maine last summer. He just finished restoring them," Emily said.

"They're nearly identical to the old ones," Delilah pointed out.

"They're nice," Rory said.

Lorelai asked, "Are you sure they're new?"

"Of course I'm sure," Emily said. "I bought them."

"I don't see any difference at all," Lorelai said.

"Well, the arch in the back is higher and they have a completely different leg," Emily explained.

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