⓿➑: All's Fair in Love and War and Snow

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Town meetings weren't high on Delilah's things to enjoy, but sometimes they were fun to watch.

Samantha had gotten a cold, so she was there to, and Matt was still looking a little ill after his bought with the flu. Taylor had been ranting about the parking space that was 'unfairly' giving his customers unfair tickets, but Samantha had pointed out that it was because Taylor wanted to park there all day.

"This town meeting will come to order," said Miss Patty.

"No one is listening to me," Taylor said.

"Oh, Taylor, calm down," said Miss Patty.

"I can't calm down, I'm being persecuted," said Taylor.

Matt rolled his eyes.

"I promise that we hear you," said Miss Patty.

Andrew stood up, "We've been hearing you for twenty minutes."

"Well, excuse me, Andrew, but some of us have businesses to run that don't involve peddling drug paraphernalia to kids," Taylor said.

"It was a lava lamp, Taylor," said Andrew.

"There is no use for a lava lamp unless you're on drugs," Taylor said.

"Lava lamps are cool whether drugs are involved or not," said Elijah from sitting next to Samantha.

Taylor glared at him, probably thinking that Elijah was some kind of drug user.

"Now we've already agreed to look into your accusations, let's just move on..."

Lorelai came in holding two drink carriers and a plastic bag that had takeout. She passed the two drink carriers to Rory and passed the four drink carrier to Delilah, who was sitting behind Rory.

"What'd I miss?" asked Lorelai as she passed two hot dogs to Rory and passed the plastic bag to Delilah, who opened it, to get a hamburger out, leaving the fries for her partners to eat, while Rory explained what was going on with Taylor.

"Miss Lorelai, he wants Andrew to get looked into because he sold a lava lamp, so now apparently he sells drugs to kids," Matt whispered to Lorelai.

"But lava lamps are cool," whispered Lorelai.

"That's what Eli said," Delilah whispered.

"Shh, here's Mayor Porter," Samantha said as the mayor went to the podium.

Mayor Potter spoke, "I have been mayor of this fine town for a long time. I tend to think of all of you as my children. Unfortunately, sometimes children have to be disciplined. Now I'm going to say something and I'm only gonna say it once...we have leash laws, people."

"Daddy's getting angry," said Lorelai.

Delilah tried think of a time when she had seen any dogs running around unleashed, but she couldn't.

"Rover will not leash himself," said Mayor Porter. Samantha coughed into a tissue. "I would like to now move on to something of even greater importance. As you all know, this coming Friday is the anniversary of the legendary Battle of Stars Hollow."

They clapped.

"Penny will be circulating a sign up sheet for those of you who would like to participate in the reenactment of foresaid battle," Mayor Porter stated.

"Do you think Luke is going to argue about the reenactment?" asked Samantha, reaching for some fries.

"He always does," Delilah whispered.

Mayor Porter started reading from flash cards, "It was frigid November night, some two-hundred-twenty-four years ago. The brave Stars Hollow militia stood in wait for the Red Coats, tired and hungry, twelve proud men took their positions in the town's square, braving the elements and imminent death in their valiant efforts—"

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