➊➍: Curse You Donna Reed

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Matt, Samantha, and Delilah were laying on the floor together, while Lorelai and Rory sat on the couch. Dean was supposed to show up, but Delilah wasn't sure when though. She was getting pretty hungry.

The door opened and closed, and Dean called, "Hello?"

"Did you bring food?" called Samantha.

"Yeah," replied Dean.

"Did you come bearing pizza?" asked Lorelai.

"Yeah, I'm not an idiot," replied Dean. He walked in the living room, carrying a box of pizza that a brown paper bag on top of it.

"Hey," greeted Rory.

"Hey," Dean greeted back.

"Sit," said Lorelai. "You're missing it."

"What are we watching?" asked Dean.

"The Donna Reed Show," Samantha said.

"The incomparable Donna Reed show," Lorelai corrected Samantha.

"What's in the paper bag?" Matt asked.

"Uh, a salad," replied Dean.

"A salad?" asked Rory.

"Yeah, it's a quaint dish sometimes used to proceed large quantities of pizza," Dean stated. The others looked at him weirdly. "It's...for me."

"Obviously," Delilah said. She had seen Dean eat spaghetti noodles for lunch, with no sauce. She grabbed a slice of pizza and passed it to Samantha, who passed it to Matt. She took another slice and passed it to Samantha, and took one for her.

"So, who's Donna Reed?" asked Dean.

"What?" Rory asked.

"You don't know who Donna Reed is?" Lorelai replied, "The quintessential fifties' mom with the perfect fifties' family."

"Never without a smile and high heels?" asked Rory.

"With perfect make up and a pretty dress when she's spending the night in," Delilah added.

"Hair that, if you hit it with a hammer, it would crack?" added Lorelai.

"So...it's a show?" asked Dean.

"It's a lifestyle," added Rory.

"It's a religion," Lorelai stated.

"My favorite episode..." started Rory.

"Go on," Delilah added.

Lorelai hummed in agreement, "Tell us, tell us."

"Is when their son, Jeff, comes home from school and nothing happens," Rory said.

"Oh, that's a good one," said Lorelai. "One of my favorites is when Mary, the daughter, gets a part-time job, and nothing happens."

"Another classic," said Rory.

"Mine is when Mary has two potential dates to the prom and they found about the other, causing a third guy to swoop right in," Delilah said.

"That one is also a classic," Rory said.

"So, what's this one about?" asked Dean.

"This one is actually my favorite," Samantha said. "The husband, Alex, didn't call to say that he was coming home late for dinner."

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