⓿➍: College Road Trip

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After driving for a while, Lorelai said, "Ah. No music. I can't believe we forgot to bring tunes."

Rory said, "Do you realize that neither of us has the vaguest idea where we are?"

Lorelai asked, "What is a road trip without tunes?"

"The sun is directly behind bus," Rory said.

"Never been in this car for any extended period of time without playing AC/DC," Lorelai stated.

"I have no idea which way it's going," Rory said.

"I need my Highway to Hell," Lorelai stated.

"I think I'm on it," Delilah said. She was trying to read Anna Karenina, which was hard because her mother and sister were complaining non-stop for about two miles.

"I agree with Lila," Rory said.

"There's nothing on the radio but Top 40 and Christian Rock. Christian Rock, there's an oxymoron for you. I need my tunes," Lorelai said.

Rory snapped, "Stop complaining about the tunes!"

"Stop complaining about our whereabouts and you, Lila, stop complaining about our complaining," Lorelai complained.

"Well, my complaint is legitimate, yours is infantile," Rory stated.

Lorelai conceded, "Okay, you're right." She turned on the radio, "Ooh, ooh, yee-haw, yes. Country music, must be my lucky day."

Rory turned the radio off, "We have to figure out where we're going."

Lorelai said, "No we don't."

Delilah said, "Mom, I would like to get home eventually to my boyfriend and girlfriend."

Lorelai said, "The point of this is to be spontaneous. To drive and land someplace we've never been and never expected to be."

Rory said, "Sounds risky."

"Sounds like the start to a horror movie that I had watched at one point," Delilah said.

Lorelai countered, "Sounds exciting."

"Serendipity has never been kind to us," Rory stated.

Lorelai replied, "Ah, yes, but I talked to serendipity on the phone last night. She feels bad about how she's treated us in the past. We had a nice chat. It's all gonna be different now."

Delilah was sure that she heard her mom saying "It's all gonna be different now" before and it felt like everything was still the same.

They drove past a sign.

Rory asked, "What did that sign say? It said 'Don't' or 'Death' on it."

"Rory, relax," Delilah said. "Do you want gray hair at twenty?"

Rory said, "We're doomed, Lila!"

"Wrong," said Lorelai. "We're being guided by fate."

"I think we're lost," Rory said.

"We can't be lost," Lorelai stated. "We don't know where we're going."

"Which is the very definition of lost, Mom," Delilah pointed out.

Rory gave Lorelai a pointed look, "And I want you to stop, before you drive us into the Atlantic Ocean."

"I'll try," said Lorelai.

That wasn't assuring.

"At least we'll know where we are," Rory continued.

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