"How dare you!" Charlie berated. "How could you do that? She's only a little girl! What's wrong with you?"

"I'm pissed off because a some tramp and her brat stole from me!" He raged. "Why don't we go over to the water police next door and see what the cops have to say about this?"

Suddenly the dreadful man was clocked right in the jaw by a fist. The pain caused him to release Charlie who instantly went to aid Beth. The man clutched his jaw which was now bleeding and turned to see that the one who attacked him was another young woman.

"Lousy bitch!" He spat at her. "I'll have you arrested for assault!"

"Go ahead." She dared him. "I'll just tell them it was in defense for the defenseless woman and child you assaulted!"

"They won't believe you! You're from that freak show! I'm just an honest business man."

"They'll believe me when they see the bruise on that woman's wrist and the scrape on the girl's knee." The woman pointed toward Charlie and Beth's injuries to make her point. "Not to mention you're not so very honest, I happen to know that you're on parole for assault and battery. Now you wouldn't want to go back to jail, would you?"

For a moment he looked like he was going to punch that woman just as hard as she punched him. Then he stopped to think and came to the conclusion that her threat was valid.

"I saw the whole thing, she didn't touch the glass so there aren't any finger prints." The woman continued. "Take your useless junk and get out of my sight."

He glared at her hatefully but did as she demanded. As soon as he was gone, she looked over at Charlie and Beth softly.

"Are you two okay?" She asked them.

"I'm alright but Beth might need a little help." Charlie said.

"Charlie I'm fine." The girl said.

"Sweetie you're bleeding."

"It's nothing serious. I just need a bandaid."

"Here I always carry one or two in case of an emergency." The woman pulled a bandaid from her pocket and handed it to Beth.

"Thank you." Beth said applying it to her knee.

"And thank you for what you did back there." Charlie said.

"It was no trouble. I spend most of my life dealing with assholes like him, and I wouldn't want anyone else to be in the same situation. But if you don't mind me asking, what are you two doing in a market with no money?"

"We didn't come here for shopping." Beth said. "We just wanted to watch the boats and stretch our legs a bit."

"Well a bit of advice, don't touch anything unless you can afford it."

Charlie helped Beth on to her feet. At that moment a noise came from both of their stomachs to symbolize hunger.

"We really shouldn't have skipped breakfast this morning." Beth said.

"If you guys are hungry I know a diner around here that serves the best waffles." The woman offered. "My treat."

"That's very kind of you but you don't have to." Charlie said. "We can always go back to the house and eat there."

"I know don't have to but I want to. I eat in that diner alone all the time and I'm started to look like a loser with no social life. I could really use some dining bodies."

"But I wouldn't want you to pay for-"

"Charlie don't pass up a free meal." Beth cut her off. "Besides the chance to eat waffles is rare in my lifetime."

"Well..." Charlie thought about it. "I suppose if you really want to Miss uh?"

"Vaggie. Call me Vaggie." She introduced with a friendly smile.

"Nice to meet you Vaggie." Charlie replied with an expression equal to hers. "My name is Charlie and this is Beth."

Charlie held out her hand to shake. Vaggie accepted it, but as soon the two women made contact a sense went off inside of them. Kind of like a biological alarm. Charlie and Vaggie looked at each other in the eyes, discovering the paranormal twinge within their pupils. Charlie seeing the flaming gold amidst the hazel, Vaggie seeing the foaming silver amidst the blue. They quickly realized that their new acquaintance was not a regular person.

"How far is this diner?" Beth asked, bringing the ladies back to reality.

"Oh it's just down the block." Vaggie said, hiding her suspicion very well. "It's not a long walk. Follow me."

"Oh my mouth is watering already." Beth said eagerly. "You know I love waffles but Alastor hates anything with sugar so he barely makes them. I'm gonna order them with lots of syrup and butter and powdered sugar and-"

Until they reached the diner, Beth was the only one talking. She just rambled on and on about her morning meal choice. Charlie and Vaggie on the other hand just kept quiet and thought. Thought long and hard about what they had seen in each other.

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