Episode 74: Magolor's Return to Dreamland Part 1

Start from the beginning

"In Dedede's castle, there is a staircase where the amount of stairs changes when going up and down," Tiff said spookily while everyone else shivered. "Exactly at midnight, when you go up the stairs, you count 25... and when you go down... BAMM YOU COUNT 27!!"

Everyone else screamed as they ran out of the tent, and when they were spooked by the scary atmosphere of the forest, they hurried back in. 

"What is going on...?" Meta Knight asked as he peeked out of the tent.

"Poyo?" Kirby also asked as he peeked out of the tent. 

"Come on, Kirby, let's go in," Meta Knight said sweetly.

"Poyo!" Kirby cheered. 

"Tiff! That was too scary!" Tuff said. 

"I think I'm gonna have nightmares..." Honey said. 

"That wasn't scary at all!" Iroo said confidently as he crossed his arms. "Not even a little bit!" 

"You were the first one to run out," Tiff said. 

"No! It was Spikehead!" Iroo jumped.

"Hey! I was right behind you!" Spikehead jumped. 

"All right, I guess that's enough scary storytelling for today," Tiff said as she squirmed inside of her sleeping bag. "Go to sleep now."

"How do you expect us to fall asleep when you scared us like that?" Tuff asked. 

"Oh, that story is not true anyways," Tiff said. "Now go to sleep. We have to go back tomorrow."

"Good night, everyone," Honey said as she crawled into her sleeping bag. 

"Good night," the boys answered as they crawled into their sleeping bags. 

In Meta Knight and Kirby's tent, they were also preparing to go to sleep. "Good night... Kirby..." Meta Knight said lovingly as he caressed Kirby's head gently.

"Poyo..." Kirby replied with a soothing voice. Meta Knight gently kissed Kirby's cheek before they got into their sleeping bags. 

While they were sleeping, in the sky of the Planet Popstar, specifically above Dreamland, a wormhole shaped like a star appeared in the sky. Then the large Lor Starcutter came out of it. However, the large Lor Starcutter was not behaving properly, so it eventually flew in an extremely irregular pattern and crash-landed somewhere...


When the sun rose, Tiff and Meta Knight both woke up as the sunlight hit them in the eyes. They had to get ready to go back, so, they started backing everything. 

"Hey, guys! Wake up! Hurry!" Tiff said as she shook everyone to wake them up. "Come on! Get up! Now!" Tiff yelled strictly as she started to smack them. She smacked Tuff, her little brother, even harder. 

"Mmm... five more minutes..." Tuff whined as he squirmed in the sleeping bag like an insect about to be hatched. 

"All of you! Get up now!!" Tiff screamed as she started to be angry. 

"Urgh..." Tuff groaned in irritation. 

"Mmm..." Honey moaned as she rubbed her eyes. 

"Haaaa..." Iroo sighed deeply as he sat up. 

"Hey, where's my cheeseburger?" Spikehead asked as he woke up from his dream. 

Tiff sighed as she placed her hand over her face. 

Meanwhile, in Meta Knight's tent, he was about to wake Kirby up, but his sleeping was so adorable. The soft snore, eyes that were a little curved, and a green with white polka dot hat made it impossible for Meta Knight to wake Kirby up. Instead, Meta Knight gently carried him outside of the tent, left him to sleep on the grassy area with the sleeping bag under him, and started disassembling the tent by himself. 

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