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~ Flashback ~

Police: We're in pursuit of the suspect, he's in an orange camero. * He says on his walkie *

Calum: Honey, we're home.

Delilah: Today, was so much fun.

Sapphire: It was, wasn't it Ramona?

Ramona: Yes, it was.

Delilah: It was so nice to spend time with my family, we should do this again sometime.

Calum: We should.

Sapphire: I agree.

Ramona: Me too.

Police: The suspects on foot, I repeat the suspects on foot. He is armed and dangerous, send back up. * he says of his walkie *

Bang! Bang! * The shots ring out *

Calum: Girls get down!

Bang! Bang! * more shots are fired *

Police: Shots fired! Shots fired at the police! We need back up now! * he says on his walkie *

Bang! Bang! * more shots fired *

Sapphire: What's happening?

Calum: I don't know.

Ramona: Mommy, Daddy. I'm scared.

Calum: I know sweetie.

Bang! Bang! * more shots are fired, hitting Delilah in the abdomen and torso *

Police: Where is back up, we are under heavy fire. * he says on his walkie *

HQ: Back up is 2 minutes out.  * she says back to the police on their walkie *

Delilah: Ah.

Calum: Delilah!

Sapphire: Mom!

Bang! Bang! * more shots ring out *

Calum: Sapphire, Call 988!

Sapphire: Okay, dad.

Ramona: Mommy!

Sapphire: I need an ambulance right now, my mom's been shot!

Operator: Is she breathing?

Sapphire: I don't know.

Operator: Calm down sweetie.

Sapphire: I'm really scared.

Ramona: Mommy!

Operator: Sweetheart, I need your address.

Sapphire: Okay.

Operator: What's your address?

Sapphire: 1801 Cherry Blossom Rd., San Fransisco, CA 48229.

Operator: The ambulance is on their way.

Sapphire: Thank you, please hurry.

Calum: Stay with me baby, stay with me; the ambulance is on their way, stay with me.

Ramona: Mommy, please don't die. I love you too much.

* Delilah gasps for air *

Sapphire: Mom, please don't leave us. * she says with tears forming in her eyes *

Calum: Come on sweetie, keep breathing; please keep breathing. Please babe, I love you.

*Delilah continues to gasp *

Sapphire: Don't die mom, please don't die. I love you.

EMS: Did anybody call for an ambulance?

Sapphire: Yes, I did.

Calum: Over here! Come on sweetie breathe, the ambulance is here.

EMS: She still has a pulse but it's shallow, we need to get her to the hospital quick.

Calum: Can I go with her?

EMS: Yes.

Calum: Sapphire, here's the keys to my car; follow the ambulance.

Sapphire: Okay, Dad.

EMS: We have a gunshot victim with two gun shot wounds, one to her torso and one to her abdomen. * he reports on the walkie *

~ Skip the ambulance ride and the drive to the hospital ~

EMS: We have a gunshot victim.

Dr. Adams: Take her to trauma 2.

EMS: Okay.

* the doctors and nurses rush Delilah to trauma room 2 *

Calum: Hang on sweetie, hang on. * he says stopping midway down the hall *

Ramona: I hope mommy is okay.

Calum: Me too sweetie.

Sapphire: I don't want to lose her.

Calum: Neither do I.

~ 45 Minutes later ~

Nurse: Hood.

They all stand up and brace themselves for the news.

Doctor Adams: I'm so sorry, she didn't make it.

Calum: No, that can't be right.

Ramona: You're lying.

Sapphire: That's a lie.

Dr. Adams: I'm sorry, we did everything we could.

Calum: No, Delilah.

Sapphire: I can't  believe mom is gone.

Ramona: Mommy, No.

Calum: Shh, I'm right here. * he says hugging both of his daughters and crying *

~ End of flashback ~

Take My Hand: C.H. Single Father StoryWhere stories live. Discover now