April's Fool

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   The flowers began to blossom as did the renewal of leaves on trees. All the snow and coldness of winter left in favor of lush grass and cool gentle breezes of spring.
As the trains ran about the tracks, they carried with them the smell of nectar and color of pollen. But it also brought with it the day of pranks—April Fool's Day.
You despised this day, even as a kid you didn't like it. It was the one day where your trust in others was put to the test. You weren't one to prank others, unless they had it coming.
Percy had already got you with a prank of his own. So, now it was your turn to get him back. But how?
You did your daily routine of waking up, getting cleaned up, dressed then grabbing something to eat. You hopped into your train and went straight to your job for the day.
You were to take some freight cars filled with supplies from one station to another as instructed by Sir Topham Hatt. You coupled up to the cars and headed out.

The bright sun shinned among the white soft clouds that fluttered about the blue sky. Your engine's fire was doing well as were the cars trailing behind.
In the distance was an approaching hill—Gordon's Hill as it was nicknamed after he got stalled there once.
You carefully set your breaks before going over it.
The train climbed up the hill, puffing out smoke from its funnel. The train came over the hill overlooking the surrounding scenery. Suddenly, the train started back up again.
You put the brakes on but were still moving. Before you knew it, you were flying down the tracks. And with your breaks not functioning properly, there was nothing you could do. You tried fiddling with the brakes once more, but it didn't seem to work. The cars behind you continued to push the train, making it go faster and faster.
On the opposite track was Gordon pulling a passenger train.
"Y/n?", you heard him call out.
"I... I CAN'T STOP!", you cried out to him still flying down the track.
The train went around the bend, still gaining speed.
You turned around to see some of the material had fell out the cars and off into the grass. You turned back forward to see you were approaching a station with no way of stopping. You began panicking.
"What do I do? What do I do?!", you pleaded to yourself.
You looked to the cab door.
Using your whole body's strength, you lunged at the door, causing it to flip open as you fell out.
Everything went by like a flash.
You tumbled and rolled on the hard ground. Your ears became numb to sounds as your vision faded in and out. You heard the muffled sound of a crash. Your body felt numb. Your head tilted up to the blue sky before everything around you went black.
You heard voices around you. You tried to open your eyes, but your body wouldn't let you. You couldn't move. You were practically paralyzed.
Something had lifted you up and held you, until you felt something soft like a mattress. Even then, you still couldn't wake your body up. You didn't know how many hours had passed by as your body eventually let you gain control again.
The soreness set in as your eyes struggled to open. Your gaze went to the window before it went over to the left to see a figure sitting on the edge of your bed. You squinted your eyes to see exactly who it was. It appeared very familiar to you. The figure was firmly shaped and had on a blue/red attire uniform.
"Go-Gordon?...", you whimpered.
The figure looked to you.
"Y/n?", it replied, nearing over you.
Your eyes adjusted to see it was Gordon. He had an emotion of worry on his face.
"Y/n, are you ok?", he gently asked.
You nodded your head, trying not to move too much.
"Just a bit, hm, sore", you replied, smiling weakly.
Gordon nodded.
You shifted a few to get on your good side but found yourself struggling as your muscles were very sore. Gordon quickly took notice.
"Wait Y/n, let me help you", he said softly.
Gordon gently but firmly held you and helped get you in a more comfortable position.
You felt the warmness of his chest against you.
"Is that better?", he asked.
You nodded your head.
Gordon nodded and pulled back a few, sitting on the side of the bed.
You weren't sure why but for the brief moment you were in his arms, you felt—comfort and security. 
"Go-Gordon?", you said weakly.
"Can you... hold me once more? I just... like the comfort of... being there..."
A blush was on Gordon's face as he looked at you.
"If it'll make you feel better, I'll do it", he said.
Gordon positioned himself behind you, wrapping his arms around your front and held you not to tightly but enough to make you feel comfortable.
"Thank you, Gordon", you said gently.
He rested his head beside yours.
You looked to his hands that were beside yours. You put your hand in his palm, seeing the size difference.
"I never realized how big your hands were compared to mine", you joked with a smile.
Gordon chuckled.
"Maybe your hands are smaller than you thought", he teased.
"Ok, maybe", you said.
It went silent for a few.
"You might not be as popular as your brother but... you sure are as unintentional....... cute as him", you sweetly remarked.
Gordon looked down to you with a bright blush.
"Puh. Well.... perhaps", he said smiling shyly.
He folded his fingers over yours, holding your hand gently yet firmly.
"And to think we used to not get along", you teased.
Gordon blushed more.
"Let's not go down that rabbit hole again, newbie", he joked, letting loose of himself some.
You blushed a bright shade of red as you two stayed there well into the evening.

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