The Flying Scotsman

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   Snow had started to come to the island. Piles of it laid about underneath trees and bushes. With the snow also came the anticipation of the holiday season, specifically Christmas.
You knew Percy would be getting excited with every passing day. Decorations and lights started appearing up everywhere you looked. The children grew more and more excited as they arrived on the island. And with that came more passenger coaches coming, meaning you had to basically double your workload and put up with Gordon and James.
However, Gordon was more... kind to you. He greeted you with a smile and didn't shout his phase as loudly. This surprised you to no end. He seemed to blush whenever he encountered you too. James was the same old James; boasting about how splendid he was, especially his red train against the white scenery of the snow. You didn't pay him much mind.
One day, you were at the station when someone new arrived. A big, green engine pulled in. At first glance, you thought it was Herny since you saw the lettering that read: LNER 4472. You thought that maybe he got a new train. It released steam. Out from the cab appeared a tall man with scruffy, grey/silver hair peeking out from under his black cap. His complexity was that of Edward's, if not a bit softer. He wore a suit that matched his train with gloves. He adjusted them as he observed the area. His hazy grey eyes then met yours. He walked over to you.
"Excuse me, can you show me to a Sir Topham Hatt's office?", he asked kindly.
His voice was a bit raspy but equally gentle.
You hesitated a bit.
"Ye-yes I do. It's right over there", you said pointing over to a brown door.
"Thank you!", he said. "I'm here visiting for the holidays. That and I wanted to see my brother, Gordon."
You couldn't believe it.
"Gordon's your... brother?", you asked.
The man chuckled. "Why yes he is. My little brother to be exact!"
To say you were confused was a understatement.
"Then, who are you?", you asked. 
"You don't know me? I'm the Flying Scotsman! I've traveled from England to Scotland in one day."
You thought the name sounded familiar, but you couldn't put your finger on it.
"That's... impressive."
"Oh, it is. Since then, I've become a celebrity of sorts. Everyone knows me!"
"The Flying Scotsman!", a voice said.
You both turned to see Sir Topham Hatt coming over.
"We've been expecting you", he said reaching his hand out to Scotsman, who shook back.
"The pleasure was mine, Sir", he said.
"Now, then, since your here, let me show you where you'll be staying", Sir Topham Hatt said.
The Flying Scotsman had gone ahead and got back in his train and pulled out, saying farewell to you. You said goodbye yourself but were still puzzled.

Later that day, snow had come in. Luckily, you got off just as it started. You made your way back to the boarding house. When you got in, you saw Gordon in the kitchen. He was sitting in front of a plate.
"Hey, Gordon", you said gently.
He looked up at you.
"Oh, h-hi Y/n. I'm sure you heard my brother, The Flying Scotsman is here."
You smiled. "Yeah. I did. I actually met him earlier. It surprised me that he was your brother."
He cracked a smile.
"Sometimes I can't believe it either."
You walked over to him.
"You don't mind if I, you know, sit down...?"
Gordon blushed faintly.
"Not... not at all", he said.
You did so, taking of your hat off. Gordon blushed more when you did that, as you saw from the corner of your eye.
"It's starting to snow out there", you said, wiping leftover snow off your uniform.
Gordon looked out a window.
"I didn't even notice", he said.
You looked over to the kitchen.
"So, what's for dinner?", you asked. "I need something to warm myself up."
"There's some chicken noddle soup", Gordon said.
You nodded and fixed your plate. You returned back over with a bowl of soup with a side salad and glass of apple juice. You had started to work on the food before talking.
"You know, Christmas is just around the corner. What did you ask Santa for?", you smiled.
You necessarily didn't really believe in Santa Claus anymore, but pretending you did kept you excited during the holiday seasons.
Gordon chuckled.
"I can't say, then it wouldn't be a surprise.
"I see", you nodded.
It seemed like Gordon had become more playful, specifically around you.
Just then, Thomas came from around the corner.
"Oh, hey Y/n and Gordon!", he cheerfully said.
"Hey, Thomas!", you said.
"Hello again, Thomas", Gordon replied.
Thomas looked at the table.
"So, you both are having dinner without me!", he playfully teased before walking over.
"I was just getting started", you said as he sat down beside you.
"I see. Well, guess I have to get started as well!"
Thomas got up and made his plate. He came back over with a bowl of soup filled to the brim.
"Make sure you leave some for the others", Gordon said.
"I will. Don't worry", Thomas replied.
You continued to eat your food. But you couldn't help but feel... anxious. The two individuals who blushed whenever you were around them were next to you. You felt yourself become warm from blushing.
"So, Thomas, what did you ask Santa for?", you asked, attempting to take your mind of off the blushing.
He thought about it.
"Nothing too special", he replied with a smile.
You nodded with a smile.
"Do you remember when we used to make a list for Santa that we read off to each other the first day of December?"
Thomas smiled.
"Yeah I do! They used to be the length of a scroll", he chuckled.
You giggled then looked over to Gordon.
"Did you do anything like that, Gordon?"
He slightly frowned.
"Not really. I mean, I did do things like that, but I'd almost always lose my list somewhere. I think my 'big brother' would throw it away when I wasn't looking."
"Aww, Gordon", you said leaning over and patting his back. "Tell you what? Why don't you make another list for this year and put it somewhere safe? You know, somewhere he could never find it, if he should be the culprit."
Gordon looked to you.
"Yeah maybe. Thanks Y/n."
You smiled. "Just an idea."
You saw him blushing and pulled back.
Out the corner of your eye, you saw Thomas. He was blushing too if not faintly. You felt yourself blushing as well. But you couldn't help but feel some sort of... way.
You grabbed your dish-ware and stood up. "Well, I'm gonna go ahead and call it a day!", you announced cheerfully. "I'm pretty tired."
Gordon looked up to you.
"Oh, well um, see you later, Y/n!"
"Yeah, sweet dreams, Y/n!", Thomas said.
You smiled and waved them off.
As you made your way to your room you couldn't help but ask yourself: Could not only Thomas but also Gordon be into me? How else could this escalate?

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