Autumn Falls

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   Fall had come to the island of Sodor. Leaves began to change colors and fall. The air grew crisp and cozy with the smell of cinnamon and other sweets. You were on conductor duty. The leaves rustled along the tracks, flowing down with the cool breeze. Not much traffic had been coming in like in the summer, but there were some here and there.
Just then, Thomas' train pulled in with his two coaches. He smiled when he saw you.
"Hey Y/n!", he said cheerfully.
You smiled.
"Hey again, Thomas", you said.
He walked over to you, his black hair gently dancing in the breeze. "How have you been?"
"Good", you replied.
You heard someone talking. You looked behind Thomas to his coaches to see two tall women walking out of them. They were dressed in matching brown dresses with their hair neatly done in top messy buns.
"Thomas", one of them called out. "You forget about us."
"He certainly did", the other one huffed.
Thomas was embarrassed. "Oh uh, sorry about that!" He then turned back to you. "Y/n, I would like you to meet my aunts, 'Annie and Clarabel'".
He gestured his hand over to the two women.
"Hello. It's very nice to meet you both!", you said, holding your hand out.
"It's very nice to meet you, darling", Annie said shaking your hand before she let Clarabel go.
"Indeed. Indeed", she said.
"They're here visiting. They don't like traveling in the hot months", Thomas explained.
"Oh yes", started Annie. "The heat is dreadful!"
"It is!", chimed in Clarabel as they both gestured fanning themselves. You smiled. "Yeah. The heat can be quite a turn off for most people."
Thomas looked to you. "I'm going to be showing them around the island here soon, since they just got in."
"Just got in?", Annie said. "We would've been here sooner if Thomas hadn't been so late!"
"Indeed!", agreed Clarabel. "We waited at the station for nearly THREE hours!"
"It's true! I thought he'd never come get us."
Even though they seemed genuinely upset; Thomas looked the most upset. He looked down to the ground, seemingly disappointed in himself. Thomas enjoyed being a perfectionist so when he couldn't be one, he felt like a failure. You wanted to make him feel better as well as calm down both parties.
".......You know, your nephew is very nice", you said. Annie and Clarabel perked up towards you. "He's very caring, helpful and most of all, very useful. Sure he makes mistakes, but... that's just the human in him."
Thomas looked over to you with an appearing smile. Annie and Clarabel glanced at each other.
"So he is", Annie said with a new tone of voice that was sweet and comforting. "He's always been like that."
"Indeed", Clarabel said lowly and gently.
They both seemed taken aback by what they said. You didn't realize you were blushing until you looked over at Thomas, whose face was as red as a rose. You shyly looked away. Annie and Clarabel took notice.
"So, Thomas. It would seem you have a 'friend', hmm?", Annie teased.
Thomas was so embarrassed.
"Annie!", he said, his face now as red as a tomato.
They giggled as he lowered his hat over his face so they couldn't see him blushing more than he already was. You couldn't help but giggle yourself. You then walked over to him.
"It's ok, Thomas", you said lowly so only he could hear it. "I'm in the same boat of embarrassment."
It was true. Your mother had sent you letters. Much of them asked if you had found anyone you're interested in yet. That was the most embarrassing question anyone could ask you. You said 'no'. Every. Time. Thomas lifted his hat and smiled at you, still blushing but not too bad. You found yourself blushing too.
"Come on, Thomas", said Clarabel.
"It's time to go", Annie said.
He turned back towards you. "I'll see you later?"
"Yep", you said.
He gave you a quick hug before escorting his aunts back into the coaches. He pulled his train's whistle and headed out. You looked up to the clock as it rung directly a six o'clock.

Even though you had known Thomas since you arrived in May and even sooner than that from your younger days, you still weren't really sure if you felt something for him, or if it was just a case of previously knowing him. Regardless, it seemed he felt something for you.
You weren't sure how to feel about that thought.

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