Old Friends

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Now that it was summer, bad storms would be occurring frequently, and that's just what happened. Some storm clouds had been rolling in. You were in your room, writing more in your diary when the first rumble came. Then, you heard the rain hit the roof and window. You'd never heard rain like that before. You could see lightning bolts dancing in the night sky. It made you jump since they were so close to the building. One bolt came so close to your window that you immediately ducked under your desk. A loud boom followed, shaking your room. You were afraid to leave your spot. You looked towards the window. You couldn't see anything. A knock occurred at your door, which made you jump and bump your head on the desk.
"It's... it's unlocked", you said, rubbing the top of your head.
The door opened. You were surprised to see it was Thomas. He was in blue striped pajamas with white socks. He stepped further in. His gaze met yours.
"Y/n, what are you doing down there?", he asked with a hint of a chuckle.
You hesitantly answered. "It's the storm. It..... it scared me", you said.
Thomas suddenly seemed ashamed with himself for laughing at you.
"Oh. I.... I see", he said.
He looked back over to you. "Would you like me to come down on your level?"
Your eyes widened a bit.
"Only if...... you want to", you said lowly. Thomas kneed down and crawled under the desk, crisscrossing his legs beside you. He placed his hands in his lap before turning to you.
"Do you feel more comfortable?", he asked sweetly.
You nodded your head.
He nodded. "That's good", he said.

The storm continued outside. You both could hear the rain trickling down the window pane. Thomas' gaze was down to the ground.
"This reminds me of when I was a kid", he started. "I used to seek shelter since I didn't like thunderstorms. Huh, I still don't."
You smiled a little. You really got a sense of comfort from his man, like you knew him or something. But did you really? You decided to speak up.
"You know, when I first met you and heard your name, you seemed so familiar to me", you said looking over to him.
Thomas looked over to you. "Really?"
"Yeah. Like I've met you before. You.... wouldn't had happened to grow up in a town name 'Brindley' on the Mainlands?"
Thomas thought about it, then smiled.
"I did actually. It was a small town of only about hundred or so people."
"Well, did you live near a small two-story house on Applewood Ln?"
"I did live on Applewood Ln."
"Did you live near a house addressed 1445 Applewood Ln?"
"I..... I did.."
Both you and Thomas looked at each other.
"We were-"
"-Neighbors", Thomas finished.
A smile came on your face.
"I.... remember now. Our mothers knew each other. They did everything together, right?"
"Yeah, they did! My mom used to come over to your house and they'd bake things together", Thomas remarked cheerfully.
"Yep. And she'd always bring you with her."
"We'd kind of have 'play dates', right?"
"Yeah. We...... we did."
This revelation blew your mind. Thomas was a good friend of yours from your childhood. You had practically forgot about him. It had been years since you last saw him, let alone heard from him. You then both shyly looked away from each other.
"It seemed like that was so long ago", Thomas said.
"It... it does", you replied.
A thunder boom came which made you both jump. You two then awkwardly looked at one other.
"I guess some things haven't changed much between us, huh?", Thomas teased.
You giggled. "Yeah, I guess so."

The storm had started to clear out but there were still rumbles, although they were becoming distant.
"Sounds like it's letting up", Thomas said.
You listened out yourself.
"It does."
You crawled out followed by Thomas. You both stood, feeling the numbness rush to your legs. "Didn't realize my legs feel asleep", you said.
Thomas chuckled. "Me too."
You turned to your diary and closed it for the night. Thomas stretched then turned to you. "Now that the storm is over, I guess I should get going", he said.
"Yeah, I know I'm calling it a night. I'm exhausted."
You made your way to your bed and sat on the edge of it. Thomas stood by your desk. You both were in awkward silence.
"Uh, Y/n?...", Thomas started.
Your eyes perked up to him.
"It was nice reuniting..... again", he said gently.
You smiled.
"Yeah. That was unexpected but...... welcomed."
Thomas neared a little.
"Guess I'll.... see you later then?"
You nodded.
Thomas turned to leave.
"Uh, Thomas?...", you said.
He stopped and turned back to you.
You hesitated.
"Thanks for.... staying with me."
Thomas smiled sweetly.
"Of course. Don't mention it. Good night, Y/n."
"Good night, Thomas."
He closed the door behind himself. You laid down on your bed with the desk light still on. You looked up to the ceiling. You were glad you knew someone else on the team like that, however, you feared something else. The fear that with this established friendship, could also come something more.


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