Meeting the Others

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You had been writing in your diary since you got situated. You wrote down how the trip was and how everything else was going so far. You didn't write much but it was a nice way to pass the time. You didn't even realize how much time had passed, considering you were in your own world in your writing. You did feel a little homesick but not too bad. As long as you had somewhere to sleep and a place to clean yourself off, you were golden. A knock came at your door. You looked to it then the clock. It was 5:50. You put your diary down and walked over to the door. You looked through its peephole to see Sir Topham Hatt on the other side. When you opened the door, he greeted you with a smile.
"Hello again Y/n!", he said cheerfully.
"Um, hello again Sir!", you said feeling a bit nervous.
"Are you ready for the celebration? We are to get over there just a bit early to get situated so everyone can meet you."
You were hesitant but nodded your head.
"Yep", you peeped.
Sir Topham Hatt had you change into your new suit attire. It was a chrome black with red lining along with a matching hat. After that, he walked you out the building. You then both made your way to his blue car and got in, with you sitting on the passenger side. As you two left, you could feel anxiousness bubbling up inside of you. You were the type to get nervous when meeting new people, especially if they were in groups.
"Don't worry Y/n. They were all like you at some point too", Sir Topham Hatt said, as if he scented your nervousness. You smiled weakly before returning your gaze to out the window. The car pulled up to a long berth where you could see other locomotives of all colors it seemed. You saw blue, green, and red all mixed up in there.
"I wonder who all those belong to", you thought.
Sir Topham Hatt stopped the car and got out followed by you. You stepped a bit further along the gravel observing the trains. Sir Topham Hatt reached into his pocket and pulled out his watch.
"Just on time", he said.
You smiled getting very anxious, so you fixed your hat. Sir Topham Hatt led you over. You then saw other figures appear, presumably the drivers of the many trains. You childishly ducked behind Sir Topham Hatt, who chuckled.
"It's ok, Y/n. They won't hurt you."
You don't know why, but he sounded so sweet and reassuring. It made you perk up, but not too much. He then placed his hands a lined his suit.
"Members of my railway. I give you our newest member of the team, Y/n + L/n!"
You stepped from behind him and saw the others. They all seemed to like you as some shot smiles your way. You just stood frozen, like a statue. You eventually spoke up.
"Uh, he-hello everyone! I'm so glad to meet you all as well as having such an opportunity to work here!"
Since you were afar, Sir Topham Hatt gestured you to go more forward to really met them, so you did. As you walked over, you got so nervous. You mustered up courage and continued onward. You eventually got close enough to really see all of them.
"Uh, hi again!", you said.
"Hi!", one of the drivers said. "I'm Percy! Percy Wats!"
You smiled.
"Hello Percy! It's very nice to meet you."
"Awwwww look. He's already made a new friend", one of the other drivers remarked. You looked up to see who it was.
"Don't tease me, Gordon!", Percy peeped. Gordon chuckled.
"I can't help myself if it's true", he remarked.
Another driver chuckled as well.
"Gordon. James. You two need to quit it!", an older looking driver said to Gordon and the other driver, James. "We're not making the best first impression."
"Edward is right", a familiar sounding voice said. "You two leave Percy out of this."
They continued snickering in the background as one of the drivers approached you. He stopped as a smile appeared on his face.
"I.... I remember you. You were from early. When I was making my rounds!"
You recognized him as Thomas.
"Thomas", you said. "It's... nice to see you again!"
"I... I didn't know you were going to be the new member of the team!"
You giggled nervously.
"Yeah. That's... that's me!", you said.
"So, YOU'RE the new member of the team?", Gordan said stepping up towards you as James walked beside him. "You'll be perfect for fetching my coaches, now won't you?"
He laughed before turning away and heading over to his train. He started it and puffed out as James did the same.
"See you later, newbie!", Gordan said.
James laughed as they left together, getting on the turntable. Edward looked furious.
"Don't mind them, Y/n. They've always been like that", he said, his face calming down.
You just chuckled it off.
"It's ok. I'm pretty used to people like that."
Edward nodded.
"I'm Edward. Edward Knowns."
You shook his soft, dusty white hand gently.
"Nice to meet you", you said. It was silent for a moment. "Is there anyone else like them I should be worried about?"
They shook their heads.
"Nope", Percy said. "Thank Goodness!"
"There is one more member you haven't met. Henry."
"Henry? Where is he?"
Edward scanned the sheds.
"I know I just saw him......"
Edward called for him, but no one came. "You have to forgive him. He's a bit well...... shy."
You nodded your head and smiled.
"It's ok. I know I'm shy when meeting new people too."
Thomas smiled. "You seemed pretty non-shy this evening and even when I met you early", he chuckled.
You smiled. "Guess I... did."
You were glad the meeting went well, apart from Gordon and James. But beside that, you couldn't be happier. And plus, there was someone on the team who you already had met. So, it was like going to a new school where you knew at least one person.
What could go wrong?

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