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ᶜʰᵃᵖᵗᵉʳ ˢⁱˣ.•♡︎

Beomgyu decided to explore the Room 553. It was making his insides irk. Why would his brother talk about it if it isn't something important? He needs to find out whatever the shit is hidden there.

Gathering all his courage, he strolled out his room quietly. Hopefully the Mafias aren't back yet. Taehyun told him they will probably come back tomorrow.

Why did Taehyun tell him that? He doesn't knows himself. But he seems to develop a friendship with Taehyun. Beomgyu is not sure, if being not rude and talking sometimes with someone makes them a friend. But yeah, maybe he does considers Taehyun a friend.

Back to present time.

Beomgyu was now walking down the stairs quietly, in hope of not being noticed by the guards. He was standing infront of a hall right now. It was a pretty big hall, with paintings and weapons hung on the walls. Mafia Manison indeed.

He walked around a bit, and a picture caught his eyes.

It was a picture of a Handsome Man with two guys beside him. He recognised both of them. They were the Mafias, Choi Yeonjun and Choi Soobin. Maybe the man was their father? And probably the boss his Brother mentioned in the note?

"Why are these mafias so handsome but such annoying jerks?" Beomgyu mumbled to himself, scoffing.
He continued to walk around, hoping he will find the Room 553.

While walking inside the hall, he found a small torch kept idle on a table.

"Hmm this can come in my use later." Beomgyu thought and picked up the torch putting it in his pant's pocket.

He walked out of the hall room and kept wandering everywhere, hoping he will finally find the Room. The guards gave him looks, but didn't do anything because it was Yeonjun's order. Beomgyu wonders why Yeonjun is Letting him do things so freely.

He was so immersed in his thoughts, he didn't even notice he bumped into someone.
He fell down on his butt with a thud, from the sudden impact.

"Oww" he groaned in pain.

"What are you doing here?" A voice spoke from his front. He lifted his face to see a guy standing infront of him. And it was none other than Choi Yeonjun himself. Woah Speak of the Devil.

"Well U-Uh I-i was bored so I was just exploring this manison." Beomgyu stuttered, a but anxious from Yeonjun's piercing gaze.

"Oh I see, sure continue your stroll." Yeonjun said calmly.

It confused Beomgyu. Why was he not trying to kill him for bumping into him? He wasn't like this on the first day-

"Why are you being nice to me?" Beomgyu accidentally mumbled out his thoughts loudly. Fuck.

"Because you aren't our enemy anymore and I don't hold grudges like Kai. Plus I'm not being nice or whatever." Yeonjun said ready to walk away. He was behaving strange. That's what Beomgyu thought.

"Oh i see..." Beomgyu whispered to himself.

Yeonjun already left. And Beomgyu realised he was still on the floor.
"And I thought he was being nice. Hah, he's still a jerk."

Meanwhile Yeonjun was smiling a little to himself. Beomgyu surely reminded him of him.

After Yeonjun left, Beomgyu decided to visit the Garden. Just as he entered the Garden, he saw Kai sitting there. Woa why is he meeting so many people today?

"What are you doing here? I thought Taehyun was coming." Kai said, displeased to see him instead of Taehyun.

"To have some fresh air ofcouse. Why else do we visit a Garden?" Beomgyu replied rolling his eyes.

"You never shut up, do you?" Kai said annoyed.

"Yes, any problem? Find Taehyun yourself if I'm Annoying you that much." Beomgyu's fear suddenly disappeared. He might regret talking like this to Kai. But he doesn't cares about it right now.

"Why are you searching for Taehyun though?" Beomgyu asked again.

"None of your business." Kai replies coldly, walking away.

"Rude Fucker." Beomgyu mumbled under his breathe.

"I heared that. Do you want to die?" Kai grunted out without turning around.

Beomgyu thought "No more Risk today" and walked away from there silently.

It was getting darker now. Night was approaching. He was walking upstairs, when something caught his attention.
He heared someone locking and unlocking a door very quick. The sound seemed to come not from very far.

He walked ahead to see an older man enter a Room. He looked up to see the room tag. IT WAS ROOM 553. All this time it was right beside his reach.

Now is the time. The man just left, and coincidentally he left the door open by mistake.

"Yes finally I can enter!!" Beomgyu exclaimed happily.
He walked sileny like a Cat, to not get caught. He entered the room successful, pushing the door shut.

"So this is the room 553 huh... What's so special about this room?" Beomgyu thought observing his surroundings.

The room seemed pretty normal like any other room. He was walking around thinking about things when he suddenly tripped over and fell.

"Shit my butt, it's the second time! What the heck is there under this freaking carpet?"

Beomgyu lifted the carpet annoyed, surprised to see a golden shining key hole.

"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS? Wait I have the key right? Maybe it's the key for this?"

He tried to twist the key into the lock and boom
*it opened*

Now he knew what was so special about this room. So there is a secret passage here huh? Thanks to his brother, he has the key. And now he can escape.

"Hah Fuck you Mafias I'm going to escape!!"

------------------------------------------❥︎. •*.♫︎. •*.
Hello Luvs!! Double update~
This is probably the longest chapter I have written till now.
Also Room 553 is sus. Read out to find what happens next lol.

Bye for now! Goodnight Luvs I'll go sleep now💙

𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌 553 | Yeongyu X TaebinTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang