Ye Who Enter Here

Start from the beginning

I rolled my eyes and held my lanyard up to the pad.

"Agent Daisy," a robotic voice called out. The door unlocked and Koenig answered it.

"Come on, Billy. You can't just look through the damn peephole?" I told him. "We need to move," I added, looking at Raina. "Come on."

I led the way out of the apartment, followed by Billy Koenig and Raina. Suddenly Agent 33 appeared in front of me, so I reacted on instinct and hits Agent 33's arms knocking the gun off target and pinning her against the wall.

"Go for the stairs!" I shouted.

"Stairs, copy!" Billy said as he and Raina turned in the opposite direction and ran down the hall. Agent 33 and I fought for a while but I managed to get the gun off of her but it landed in the middle of the floor. We looked at each other, then the gun, then made our move. I managed to get their first but she knocked into me sending us bursting through a closed door. We fought hand to hand until I was finally able to pin Agent 33's arm and kicked her down to her knees.

"Stand down, Agent 33! We can help you!" I exclaimed.

Agent 33 twisted quickly and punched me in the stomach causing me to drop Agent 33's arm. She then ran up a wall and spun herself over me, using this to take me to the floor. I made it to the gun but Agent 33 kicked it out of my hand. She then went about handily beating up on me, not that I couldn't handle a few hits. She picked up the gun and pointed it at me.

"I don't need your help," Agent 33 said.

I heard a male voice grunt as Agent 33 was tackled from behind. Her head hit the floor hard knocking her out as Hunter jumped up.

"There's more coming. We need to –" He looked down and saw Agent 33 with May's scarred face and lost his train of thought. "What the hell is that?"

"May's evil twin, formerly known as Agent 33," I told him as I got off the floor.

"I thought the Koenig's were creepy," Hunter commented.

"Tell Coulson we're on our way," I instructed.

"Yes, ma'am," he replied. I rolled my eyes at him before walking out of the apartment.


"Corner, two men wearing classic HYDRA black, trying desperately hard not to look conspicuous," Hunter said as he stopped Raina and I.

"And failing. Where's May?" I asked as I glanced at the men.

"Good question. I'll go check," Hunter walked away as I took his position looking at the HYDRA guys and guarding Raina.

"Shied must be quite happy," Raina said. I looked back at her. "You're plan of dangling me like bait seemed to work."

"I thought Whitehall wanted to kill you, not kidnap you," I commented.

"Something must've changed his mind," Raina said with a shrug.

"Maybe he thinks you know something about The Obelisk," I glanced back at her again. "How it works."

"Are you saying Whitehall has The Diviner?" Raina asked me.

"Someone give that girl a new flower dress," I rolled my eyes.

"Well, that changes things," she said with wide eyes.

"How so?" I asked.

"They don't want to kill me, they need me," Raina relied.

"Need you for what?"

"I can hold The Diviner." I stared at her in shock.

"You mean the thing that turns people to stone, you can touch it?" I asked.

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