S3AE2 ❂ Chaos Rising ❂ PT. 2

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3rd Person POV

It indeed was not minutes. After hours and hours of researching, Scott, Stiles, and y/n fell asleep. Newspaper articles, tacs, red string, and half eaten food litter the floor of Stiles' bedroom where the small group of teens lie in the oddest positions asleep. The printer spits out what has to be the 200th piece of paper, it falling to the floor with the other ones.

Scott sits in his desk chair, his head tilted back and his mouth open whiles he sleeps. Meanwhile, Stiles is lightly snoring with his face pressed to one of the pieces of paper on the floor, his legs still on his bed. Y/n lies on her back, the upper half of her body dangling off the bed with her head tilted back and mouth open. Her arms uncomfortably sprawled to her sides, and legs all tangled up with Stiles' legs.

"Guys." Mr. Stilinski opens the door and steps into the room. "Hey, time to wake up." He says, but there's no response from the tired kids.

"Guys," he commands. "GUYS!" He shouts this time.

This causes all three of them to startle awake. Scott falls out of his chair, and Stiles and y/n fall off the bed and onto each other. "Ow," Y/n groans, rubbing the side of her elbow where she hit it on the floor. Stiles pulls off a piece of paper that was glued to his cheek with drool.

"I gotta get to work. You three? Get to school." Mr. Stilinski turns to leave, but Stiles stops him.

"Dad! Heather?" He shouts, pulling himself to a sitting position.

Mr. Stilinski turns to face him. "No. Nothing yet." He walks out of the room.

Stiles sighs and throws the piece of paper down. "Ten hours and nothing."

"We're gonna find something," Scott assures him.

"Finding something doesn't make Erica any less dead, or Boyd any less about-to-be-dead..."

"Well, we still have time."

"Is this whole, like, 'remain optimistic in the face of complete and utter disaster'—thing a part of the Be A Better Scott McCall Program?" Stiles asks.

Scott looks at the floor sheepishly. "Uh, not if it doesn't work..."

"No, it works..." Stiles says, feeling bad about his outburst towards his friend. He looks down at the piece of paper in his hand and starts spazzing around. "Oh, Dad! Dad?" He shoves the papers into y/n's hands and runs out the room.

She looks down at the paper that had him so shocked, and draws her brows together. Beacon Hills First National Bank Robbery, it reads, and has a photo of Mr. Stilinski arresting a man. The man's face is blocked by the door of the squad car he's being forced into.

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