Flight-Nate Jacobs

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Y/N stays the night at Nates house and receives an unexpected call from her ex

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Y/N stays the night at Nates house and receives an unexpected call from her ex.


Y/N hopped out her car, immediately running into Nates arm as he picked her up and kissed her. Nate pulled away after a minute,"I missed you, how was your flight?" Y/N held onto Nates neck,"My flight was good, I missed you more."

Nate popped the trunk open and grabbed her bags in one hand as he continued to hold her in the other,"Incase you forgot, I still have functioning legs." Y/N snickered as he stepped inside and closed the door behind them.

Nate shook his head,"Don't care if they work, you're light to carry regardless." Y/N rested her head on his shoulder,"I'm jet lagged. I just wanna fall asleep on you and rest." Nate agreed and let her down on the bed, setting aside her bags into the closet,"Fine with me as long as I'm near you."

Y/N sighed in relief and rolled over on Nate as he laid down," Why is it that planes make you feel so ..bla after you get off?" Nate shrugged," I'm not sure, do you want to watch a movie tomorrow night? There's this new movie I really wanna go see-"
Nate was cut off by the sound of Y/N phone ringing," Who's calling you in the middle of the night?"

Y/N groaned and lifted her phone to her ear," Hello?" Nate sat up and stared at her," Who is it?" Y/N stood up and stepped into the bathroom and turned the fan on," Give me a minute."

Nate wondered who was calling her, and why she stepped out the room. Y/N knew the way Nate was. She knows Nates going to get rifled up on this one.

Y/N tried to stay quiet in the bathroom," It's not my problem anymore Will. Find someone else to help you- No I do not care." Nate stood up and continued to listen to her conversation," Who's calling you Y/N?" Y/N coughed," Hold on!"

Y/N groaned," How did you even get my number, I literally changed it. You're pathetic." She finally hung up the phone and opened the door, revealing Nate leaning against the door frame.

Y/N slid past Nate, laying back down. Nate snickered at her, "You're not serious right? Tell me what you just fucking did, that was a fucking joke right?" Y/N sat up on the bed,"What are you talking about Nate?"

Nate began to smile, trying his best to not get upset incase it was nothing,"You've never stepped out the room to talk to someone else when you've been with me nor turn on the fucking fan in the bathroom so I wouldn't hear anything. What the fuck is up with you?"

Y/N shook her head,"Calm down-" Nate turned around,"Do not tell me to calm down. Just tell me who you called."

Y/N groaned," It was will." Nate let go of the wall immediately and stood across from Y/N," Will as in.." Y/N nodded," Yes my ex, that Will."

Nate was beginning to get upset," What was he calling you for?" Y/N walked over to Nate and grabbed his torso," Something about missing me. He was plastered and sounded like a fucking moron."

Y/N looked up at Nate analyzing her," Don't analyze me. I'm not lying to you if that's what you're worried about. I'm sorry for stepping into the bathroom but you would've been more upset hearing what he was saying."

Nate signed and kissed Y/Ns forehead, wrapping his arms around her waist," I know. I'm sorry. But that was just sketchy Y/N-"

Y/N nodded," I know, I'm sorry. You can cuss him out tomorrow on my phone when he's hungover." Nate smiled," Good idea. Then we'll do the movie afterwards."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2022 ⏰

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