Family-Nate Jacobs

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Y/N introduces Nate to her family for the first time.


I unplugged my curler, wrapping it up into my cabinet. I could hear my siblings pushing each other downstairs trying to not make it so obvious they were peeking out the curtains for my boyfriend.

I grabbed my phone and checked my recent message from Nate, two minutes away.

I smiled and headed downstairs once I heard my little brother scream, he definitely arrived or my sister pushed him to hard. Probably both.
My mother opened the door, Nate gave them a polite smile. I leaned against the door frame watching the first encounter between them.

My mother opened her arms," Hi Nate, come inside!" My mother knew the most about Nate, she was so excited to meet him which didn't surprise me considering how welcoming she is.

Nate wrapped a arm around her,"I brought these for you and Y/N. It's a pleasure to meet you Mrs.Y/L/N." She gasped and took the flower arrangement from Nates hand," Gracias mijo,
Y/N come say hi to your boyfriend."

I let out a small laugh as Nate wrapped his right around my waist, his left hand holding another bouquet of flowers for me. I smiled," It's beautiful, thank you."  Nate shrugged," I know better then go anywhere empty handed."

I nudged him, holding his hand as we walked into the kitchen. Nate looked around," Your house is beautiful, I had no idea the houses around here were like this." I shook my head," They're not, my dad remolded the entire thing."

My dad entered the room," You like it?" Nate nodded,"You do remodeling or someone did this?" My dad burst into laughter," Fuck no, I did this myself. I have my own company and did a whole remodeling on this house. Come with me."
Nate kissed my cheek," I'll be back later." I nodded and got up from the stool, helping my mom in the kitchen.

My mom smiled," Nate seems like a nice man mija, I'm proud of you for finding someone you're worthy of. Very tall man too!" I smiled," Nates 6'5, he's athletic, very kind, and very smart ma." She wrapped her right arm around me, kissing my cheek," You deserve nothing less princesa. Go make sure you're dads not harassing Nate."

I nodded, looking around and seeing the back door to the patio open. My siblings were playing with Nates arm, hanging on it like monkeys. Nate was focused on making sure they wouldn't fall and listening closely to my dad talk about architecture.

I walked out," If you animals don't get off his arm I'm gonna tell mom." They immediately dropped down," Sorry Y/Ns boyfriend." Nate wrapped his arm around me while we talked with my dad," Dinners ready!" My mom yelled from inside.

My dad sighed," I'll see you two inside." I shook my head and Nate wrapped both his arms around my waist," You're definitely approved by them. If you fuck it up they're gonna shoot you, you're the first guy I've introduced them to and I'm their favorite so they're definitely trying their best." Nate sighed," I'll try my best to not fuck it up, but what if you fuck it up. Will they shoot you instead?"
I nudged him, putting my arm around his neck and kissing him. My brother gagged behind the glass door,"Ew! Mom says come inside and eat!"

Nate slid the door open, letting me go inside first. I sat down next to Nate and across my parents. Nate took a bite," Hopefully it's not too spicy for you, I should've asked if you were okay with that first-" Nate shook his head," Don't worry about it, It's hard for me to find things that seriously spice me out."

My mom and dad looked at each other, giving a smile that had the sentence, he's a keeper you two can do challenges over who can take the spiciest things, all over their face.

A few moments later:

Nate put the last dish away into the cabinet, closing the door and sighing. My parents had crashed on the couch with my siblings. I handed a vase to Nate," Follow me upstairs to my room."

I opened the door," Pink." Nate looked around and eyed everything," White walls, pink rug, white vanity but pink storage containers. White bed with pink curtains."  I smiled," Give me the vase." I put the flowers Nate handed me in it and hung it near my window.

Nate smiled," No wonder why they call you princess. You deserve to be treated like one anyways." I turned around and hugged his torso tightly," Come back at 10 and spend the night. My family leave early tomorrow morning for my dads business trip but I stay because of my cheer competitions, so we can do whatever." Nate nodded," I'll be back with donuts."

I moved my hand to his leg," Pink frosting?" He let out a soft groan," Whatever frosting you want tonight." I nudged him," That was cheesy but a really good line." He kissed me," I'll be back later, I'm gonna say bye to your family."

I watched from the top of the staircase Nate hug my mother, my siblings and him made some weird handshake, and my dad actually leaned in for those weird guy hugs. It was sweet.
Nate waved," I'll see you guys soon, thank you for having me." I watched as he made his way into his truck, pull out the driveway, and head home.

He did come back at 9:59, he was eager to see me. No worries, he bought several donuts with pink and other color frostings.

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