Clear Coast

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It's been 2 weeks since the Court session. My home was like nothing happened. Michael and Me were living fine as Neighbors though not couples.

We were cold couples.

There has been no much communication. I was trying. God knows I was doing my best. Michael was just been difficult.

With time I got used to the little conversation we do have and sometimes we only spoke when we want to eat or sleep at night.

I knew I had to do something.

"I need to get to the root of things before they go out of hand" I thought to myself as I step our of the house to go get groceries.

I got home early after shopping I still had time to rest before preparing dinner.

Michael had gone to see his parents this morning. He left after I packaged some pancakes for Dad.

Dad always loved my pancakes. I know he will be glad to receive it from Michael.

I would have joined Michael but couldn't because the visit was impromptu. Michael had woken up and just told me about it early this morning. I cannot abandon groceries shopping. If I do we won't be having any foodstuffs at home to survive the week.

One of us have to go for shopping. Me actually.

Coming up the stairs to the room I just wanted to sleep. I was tired. Thank God I am not so fat I laughed at my own joke. Not so silly. Maybe we should take our bedroom downstairs I thought before entering the room.

Lying down on the bed after Shopping I was exhausted. I was drifting off to sleep when the idea struck me.

Time to visit someone that will not be pleased to see me. Someone that I am not even sure would want to talk to me.

Immediately I stood up and changed into something nice and appropriate. I cannot go to the prison yard in some pyjamas.

I am going to see Mr. Paul

Only Michael's Boss knows what is truly happening. I ve been left in the dark for long. I just want to know what is going on. It hurts to be clueless.

It took long before I was granted access to Mr Paul. I never knew the procedures were that much.

Finally I was sitting face to face with him.

"The prison warders were nice enough to let me see you face to face. You are probably lucky. They don't allow me sit with my family. Not even my lawyer. You had your ways with words I guess" Mr. Paul started as soon as he sat down.

I smiled.

"How is Michael and your family. And your work too" he spoke freely.

I smiled again

"Everyone and everything is fine. I'm sorry About ....." I was trying to establish a friendship here. I know he must have hated Michael after what happened. Hence might not be happy to see me when he cut me short.

"Hey Caroline it is not your fault. You don't have to be apologetic. And it's definitely not Michael fault. He had to save his ass. It's Me or him. And he pretty well chose himself. He did what everyone could have done for themselves. It's ok. Karma is just been a bitch to me" he dropped feeling not so sad. And not so happy.

"I know you did not come here to talk about what has happened. Why are you here. Look I have just 5minutes with you" he added bringing me back to my purpose of coming.

I actually hated Mr. Paul for a short time. But right now I felt so sorry for him. Poor Mr. Paul.

"I am a Woman Sir. I love my husband you know that. If everything is alright I wouldn't be here. I need your help. I need to save my marriage. I going crazy thinking about things. I just need the truth" I stated clearly fighting the urge to cry.

"Ok now I see" he looked at me smiling before continuing

"Promise me that you won't allow anything I tell you affect you and your home in a negative way" he paused first to get my full attention

"I promise" i stopped sobbing and looked at him.

"That day He and Tara were working late. I was in my office when I noticed Benedict passed by my window. I reluctantly followed Benedict. I trailed Benedict to Michael's office. I watched Benedict opened the door and I saw Tara on Michael's Lap. No he had pushed her off him before Benedict opened the door. They were arguing when Benedict rushed in. And shouted on Tara to leave. Before Tara go to the Door I left for my office. It wasn't my business. So I left" Mr. Paul was not smiling again. While he was narrating the whole thing that happened.

I was about to start sobbing again when he held my left hand.

"Hey look here. Your husband loves you. I am 💯 sure nothing happened. Because While him and Benedict were leaving, I overheard him explaining things to his friend. He did not do anything. I guess Tara was the one that doesn't seem to understand the fact that times has changed and Micheal belongs to someone else" he concluded.

I was still sobbing slightly.

"You don't have to cry. I dont know how you are going to solve this. I cannot advice you. I am no therapist. All I need you to know is that Micheal loves you and cares about you" he added quickly.

The prison warder was already at his side.

It was time to go. Time's up.

"Be Smart and act wisely. Whatever you do, do not mess your marriage up and take care of yourself" he ended before turning.

"Thanks Sir. I won't forget this" I said in between sobs as I watched him been taken away.

I stayed mute on the chair for some seconds with my head down. I was still sobbing lightly.

Noticing the stares from people around. Fellow visitors. I stood up to leave.

Poor Mr. Paul. He's been here for just 2 weeks and will be here for another 23months.

His sentence was 24months. 2years.

Now I the sentence was too much.

Maybe the court was not so lenient with their sentence.

I was so sorry for him.

But that was not the main reason why I was crying.

Michael was.


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