Chapter eight

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"Jian Yi!" He Tian sang as he swung open the front door to the appartment. "I'm home! With Mo!"

But there was no response as the two walked in and slipped off their shoes.

"What the.." He Tian muttered. "Yi?" he called and jogged to the kitchen. Then to the bathroom. To his room. Jian Yi's room. He Cheng's room. The storage room. The living room. And finally, gave up on the search.

"Where the hell is he?" He Tian huffed as he fell onto the couch.

"Maybe he's staying somewhere else for the night." Mo thought. "You call him."

He Tian took out his phone and called his brother with a worried expression. Mo left the living room to cook dinner and decided to make it He Tian's favourite meal to cheer him up at least a bit.

A few minutes later, the other burst into the kitchen.

"Yi's not picking up!" Tian shouted and Mo noticed his eyes were red and puffy. "Do you think something happened to him? Do I call Cheng? Qiu?"

"I can try calling Zhengxi. Maybe he's with him." Mo suggested.

And he did. But Zhengxi didn't pick up either.

"Ahm.." Mo cleared his throat. "Why're you so worried? Sometimes you let Jian Yi stay over somewhere else."

"Yi's never wanted to stay the night away from home. Away from me. There was sometimes, yes. But not anymore." He Tian then raised his voice. "Why isn't he picking up!"

Just then the bell rang and He Tian raced to the door. He opened it instantly without checking who it was through the peephole.

"Oh." He Tian said monotonously. "It's you."

Qiu just rolled his eyes and stepped into the apartment.

"Where's Jian Yi?" he asked.

"That's what the fuck I'm trying to find out!" He Tian groaned.

"I'm telling you," Mo appeared behind He Tian. "He's fine. With. Zhengxi."

The raven haired kept quiet for a few moment before sighing. "Fine, I trust you. But if anything happens to Yi-"

"Yeah sure. It's allll my fault." Mo rolled his eyes and walked back to the kitchen.

Once Mo was really gone, Qiu mumbled, "I'll send some people out to find him."

"Thank you." He Tian sighed again, but this sigh was from relief. When Jian Yi came back home, what would he do? Punch him in the stomach for not picking up the phone? Or give him a warm hug (which he hadn't done for years) and ask him where he's been? He decided to ask Mo about it later.


Someone was flicking his forehead and he didn't like it. So he reluctantly opened his eyes with a frown.

"Xixi, what are you doing?" Jian Yi groaned while pushing the other's hands away.

"Let's go outside for a bit. You slept the whole afternoon so I'm sure you wouldn't be tired now."

"You'd be surprised. I once slept a whole 19 hours!" Jian Yi sat up and the frown he wore was replaced with a grin.

"That is... impressive. But unhealthy." Zhengxi said while grabbing the blanket beside the bed, as he thought about how cold Jian Yi would be outside.

They left the house after making sure the two housemaids were asleep and cosy in their covers. The creaking caused by the doors and floorboards was annoying and made the journey to the front much harder. And slower.

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