Chapter one

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The door slammed open and a tired Jian Yi tumbled inside the huge apartment.

"I'm ho-" he coughed. "Oome.." Hm? He Tian wasn't home? That was weird.. His brother would always jump down from the stairs and bring him into a hug before asking how his day was. Jian Yi groaned and threw his backpack on the floor. Although it was so light, it felt as if it weighed 100 pounds.

He staggered over to the little island in the kitchen and sat on one of the stools which had one broken leg. Jian Yi took off his shirt hastily and let his head lie on the countertop. He sighed and started to fall asleep even though the position was uncomfortable; he was thirsty and the kitchen was humid as hell.

A few hours later, he woke up to shouting and screeching coming from the living room. Annoyed, he jumped up from his seat, knocking the stool to the ground, and stomped over to whoever was making the noise. There he saw his friend, Mo Guan Shan, and his older brother, He Tian. Mo was hitting He Tian with a pillow while shouting "BASTARD!" before stopping to look at Jian Yi's pissed off face.

"Oh, the other idiot is here." Mo dropped the pillow and walked over to him, a hint of concern on his face. "What happened to you?"

He Tian sighed. "Did you storm out the studio today again? Yi..." He followed Mo and hugged his younger brother. "Why don't you just quit? And join me in the-"

"No.. I told you, Tian." Jian Yi said sharply and pushed He Tian back. "I won't stop til I meet my idol! Zhan Zhengxi!" His eyes seemed to start glowing and his face softened.

"Ah, man.." Mo shook his head. "Y'know you can meet him in other ways. If you don't enjoy acting, he'd disappointed in you." He poked a finger in Jian Yi's chest. "Or you can get your shit together."

He Tian swung an arm around Mo's shoulder. "That's right, brother! Just join Little Mo in cooking and you'll be all set." He winked at Mo and the redhead rolled his eyes.

"NONE of you can cook." Mo pushed He Tian's arm off and took Jian Yi's arm. "I'll cook you something just this once but in return, you rest and do the shit you want. Don't tire yourself out with something you don't enjoy, idiot." He led Jian Yi to the couch and pushed him on it lightly. "Rest."

Jian Yi decided not to argue as his eyes started to droop once again. He was woken up again by a quiet "ping!" sound. He scanned his surroundings and found his phone on the small table beside the couch. Sleepily, Yi grabbed it and switched it on. He started to hiss from the bright light and started rubbing his eyes frantically. After a few seconds, he sat up to see what the notification was. There was an Instagram DM from someone.. but who would be messaging him? He made sure no fans spammed him with messages and he was following only a few people. He stood up and looked for his brother and his friend to check if they just needed something.

In He Tian's room, Mo was asleep on the king-sized bed with his hand dangling on Tian's messy hair. The raven head was on the floor, his phone on his chest, asleep. Jian Yi became even more curious about the text message and decided to sit on the right side of the bed, next to Mo. He suddenly felt scared. What if it was a stalker who messaged him? Someone who could be watching him right now...


Jian Yi shrieked. The thunder outside growled and Yi practically jumped onto his friend.

"AHH, WHAT THE HELL!" Mo screamed and pushed Jian Yi off. Then he fell off the bed, onto He Tian. Tian was awake when his brother shouted so he was able to catch Mo in his arms.

"Jian Yi, what the hell?" Mo yelled. He looked up and saw Jian Yi's face full of shock. The tired actor was shaking uncontrollably and his eyes were as wide as plates. Mo shut his mouth and looked at He Tian, urging for him to say something. He was always confident Tian could make his younger brother calm down after the most worst things but right now, Mo felt a bit doubtful.

He Tian returned Mo's worried look with a what-should-i-say look and bit his bottom lip. "Yi.." he started and after a few moments, he opened his mouth again. "Wh- Are you alright?" There was silence before thunder again and Jian Yi jumped, snapping out of his gaze at the clear grey marble floor. He looked at his older brother and said quickly, "Tian! I'm OK." He sat up and looked down at the two. Taking a deep breath, he started to explain why he was here and about the DM he received.

Tian was first to speak after Jian Yi finished talking. "Oh shit. Sorry Little Mo yelled at you after that." Mo glared at him but there was some pity in the redhead's expression. "But if you want, we can see the message together. Come down and sit with me and Mo." Jian Yi nodded and sat comfortably on the pillow on the floor. He took out his phone and clicked on the notification.

"Hmm.. who is that?" Mo asked and snatched the phone, looking at the profile picture of the user. His eyes widened and his eyebrows knitted together. "Holy! Jian Yi!" He handed the phone back to his friend while shouting, "That's- that's..!"

"Zhan Zhengxi's manager, isn't it?" He Tian finished, sounding unamused but his eyes were also wide. "What does he want?"

Jian Yi clicked on the message hurriedly and read the paragraph in a second. He sprang up and started to laugh and cry, "WOO!". He Tian started to snigger but Mo Guan Shan reached for the phone as curiosity got the best of him. "Woah.. Tian." He muttered. "The manager wants Jian Yi to perform in movie with Zhengxi. He would talk to Brother Qiu as soon as he hears Yi's response." He looked at He Tian. "You know what this means?"

He Tian stopped sniggering and stared at Mo with disgust all over his face. "Yeah, I know what this means. My brother would get tired all over again and come back home complaining on how he wasn't good enough for his idol or whatever."

Mo slapped his head and shouted, "No you chickendick!"

"Why so harsh, Mo?" He Tian chuckled.

"Ughhh.." Mo's ears went red. "Idiot, this could help out your burnt out brother. You know.. if Jian Yi meets his idol, he could find his love for acting once again - like when he was 13!"

He Tian stared at Mo while thinking and shrugged. "Dunno, little Mo. I suppose.." he started to remember when Jian Yi would spend hours acting out Shakespearean plays after school and get scolded for not doing his homework. He used to love doing math but even he started to get frustrated over it after he stopped focusing on school. Tian sighed.

"He did do a lot to make it this far. Hey, Yi!" Jian Yi stopped dancing and looked at him. "Are you sure you wa-"

"YES! I DO!" Jian Yi squealed and jumped up and down like a highschool girl talking about her crush.

"Calm down, Jian Yi." Mo said and pointed his finger at the actor. "You sound as if you're accepting a proposal."

"Haha.." Jian Yi sighed and smiled widely. He'd never been so excited about acting in a movie before. "What's the movie called again? I read it too quickly."

"Well, remember a few years ago when you loved that one series called 'Working with my idol'? Yeah, they're doing a remake but it's a movie only. The second lead quit acting so they decided to ask you." Tian explained. "I can't answer all your questions if you have any right now. Maybe ask Qiu ge tomorrow. It's too late."

Jian Yi nodded his head while grinning. He'd be acting in his favourite childhood series? Man, 13 year old Jian Yi would be proud.

Mo stood up and started to stretch. "Good night both of you. Don't sleep too late."

"Where are you going?" He Tian asked and stood up too.

"Home. Ma would be worried about me."

"Stay for the night!" Jian Yi chimed in. "It's too dark outside. Here, lemme leave you guys alone." He skipped out the room while waving and saying "Good night!"

Mo sighed and returned to the bed and allowed He Tian to sleep beside him. He was too tired to argue and he already felt slightly glad his friend looked much happier after years of being miserable in the spotlight.

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