Chapter Three

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"That's it!" Zhan Zhengxi spun around, furious. A red tint appeared on his cheeks and his ears became scarlet. "Stop following me around like an annoying puppy, for fucks sake!" He stomped his foot.

Jian Yi's eyes widened and his breath hitched. How did things come to this? Well...

"How have things been with Jian Yi?" She Li asked while showing his infamous smirk. Zhan Zhengxi rolled his eyes.

"He's been following me around and asking to hangout after filming. I've kept making excuses; I said things like how I needed to walk my cat! He's stupid enough to believe it." Zhan Zhengxi started to rant about how stupid Jian Yi was for so long and She Li's eyes started to droop.

"Hey! You listening?" Zhan Zhengxi slapped his manager's elbow. "Ugh. When will this nightmare end? I swear, if he does this again, I'll confront his ass."

"Yeah sure." She Li yawned and stood up lazily. He slid on the smooth flooring with his shoulders leaning forward.

"If you lean anymore forward, your face would meet the floor. Want help walking?" Zhan Zhengxi commented but got no response. He huffed and looked back down onto his knee. The idol equipped his phone and noticed that he received a message from an unknown number.

"Who is..." And then he saw the text. "DAMN IT! JIAN YI, YOU FUCKER!" He chucked his phone across the room and stood up in rage. "Just leave me alone!"

Zhan Zhengxi watched the actor try to say something but would not stop stuttering. "Spit it out." He spat and frowned even more when Jian Yi's head bowed down.

"I'm.. so-" he grit his teeth and sighed. "-orry. Sorry. I just thought..."

"Whatever bullshit you thought," Zhan Zhengxi took a step towards him. "It means nothing."

Jian Yi nodded as his head was still bowed. He turned around slowly and walked back in the heavy rain. Is this some kind of drama? Why does it have to rain now?


The next day, Zhan Zhengxi felt even more annoyed. Not once did Jian Yi come up to him and compliment him or even ask to go out for a drink. Who does he think he is?

As they were leaving the studio, Zhan Zhengxi grabbed Jian Yi's hand and pulled him so close that they were only a few centimetres away. The idol jumped and pushed the other away, apologising hastily. Jian Yi exhaled and smiled before muttering a quick "It's alright" and walked past the idol.

"Ah- WAIT." Jian Yi stopped and turned around to face Zhan Zhengxi while his eyes glistened. "Stop looking at me like that, idiot. I just wanted to tell you that I'm thirsty so go get me a drink." His face was flushed and he was looking at a vending machine beside them.

Jian Yi pointed to it. "What about... That?" And he grinned. "Or do you want to come with me?"

"N- yes. I will tag along incase you mess my order up." Zhan Zhengxi jogged towards Jian Yi and noticed that he was slightly taller than the actor. He decided to make a comment on it. "Short people don't do things right." And Yi was pissed.

"Go do your shit for yourself." He snarled and crossed his arms, not moving.

"Fine, fine. I'm sorry you shithead." Zhengxi rolled his eyes and took Jian Yi's arm. With the actor getting dragged by his side, they reached the local café and stated their orders.

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