Chapter four

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Mo was woken up by some ringing.

"Urgh.." he groaned and opened his eyes reluctantly. He felt a weight on his body and looked down to see He Tian. Idiot! He's so heavy. The ringing stopped after a few seconds and Mo relaxed, sighing.

Ring, ring. Ring, ring.

"URGH!" He sat up and He Tian's head fell onto Mo's lap, his hair falling onto his eyes. Mo frowned and looked around for the source of the ringing and found it. It was his phone. He snatched it off the small table beside the couch and looked at the contact name.

The bright screen blinded him instantly and he looked away, covering his eyes with a hand. He started to peek through his fingers at the screen and lowered the brightness. The contact name shown on the screen was "Shithead" and Mo instantly knew who he was. He rolled his eyes, leaned back, and answered the call.

While on the phone, Mo was absentmindedly stroking He Tian's hair and this woke up the raven head. Tian never moved from his position, though. It was too comfortable. Instead he listened intently and couldn't help but smirk.

"What is it? You're calling me at midnight?" Mo asked angrily.

"I know. I didn't want to either but hey! Just wanted to catch up on my best friend." Zhan Zhengxi tried to sound enthusiastic but instead sounded crazy, tired and drained at the same time.

"Bullshit." Mo spat. "What do you actually want?"

"Fine you caught me. I need advice. I think I.." his voice trailed off and Mo scoffed, rolling his eyes once again.

"I don't have all day. Actually, all night. Spit it out already," Mo said hurriedly. "Idiot." He added.

"I think I like someone." Zhan Zhengxi said slowly. "He's stupid. Really stupid. But he just reminds me of someone I can't.. remember. He's the second lead in 'Working for my idol!'. I just can't believe I would like J-"

"Holy shit!" Mo gasped. "THE Zhan Zhengxi likes someone? It's been years ever since... Forgot his name."

"Yeah! I know! What do I do?" Zhengxi whisper-shouted once he realised it was still night and he had to be quiet.

"Ask him out." Mo said cooley and leaned back further.

"Like that? No, my pride would never allow me." Mo knew Zhengxi was shaking his head in disapproval.

"Then do something special like uh... Invite him to that dumb tree you really like and.." Mo grinned. "Just take out a ring and propose!"

Zhan Zhengxi's eyes widened and he shouted, "SHUT UP!" then covered his mouth with his hand and mumbled a 'sorry'.

"Okay you dork." Mo grumbled. "I want some sleep. Why don't you call me in the morning?"

"Because! I can't help but panic for no reason." Zhengxi sighed. "I thought you'd give me some advice but no, you're no help at all."

"I can help a bit, y'know." Mo grimaced. "For example.. hocus pocus this guy is your only focus." He paused. "And you're gay as hell."

"I'm so close to hanging up."

"You wouldn't. You need me."

"Not anymore."

He Tian pretended to stir in his sleep and caught Mo's attention.

"Hang up. I'm busy, actually."

"With what? You gonna cook now? Aww do you want to make me a comfort meal?"

"No you shithead. I need to look after someone more important than you." He realised what he just said. "I meant..."

"Wow I see how this is. You got a girlfriend and didn't tell me."

He Tian turned away from Mo and hid his scowl. He felt childish but he couldn't help it.

"Shithead, I don't have a girlfriend."

"A boyfriend?"

"No! Urgh, this call was supposed to be about your love life not mine. You act like a stupid teenager."

"I'm just curious.. tell me dear Momo." Zhan Zhengxi laughed.

He Tian had enough and 'woke up'. He sat up, onto Mo's legs, and let his head fall onto Mo's shoulder.

"I gotta go man." Mo said quickly. "Remember, just ask out your dumb crush already. If you get rejected, it's fine. You're halfway through the movie. If you don't, congrats. Text me on Wechat in the morning."

Before Zhan Zhengxi could answer, the call had ended. Mo gave a look of confusion to He Tian, who was now looking at the redhead.

"What? Did I wake - no - did Zhengxi wake you up?" Mo scratched his neck and looked to the right side, where the view of the beautiful city could be seen.

"Yeah. I can't sleep anymore." He Tian lied and rested his head against Mo's chest. "Put me to sleep again, Little Mo." He looked up, his chin poking his chest. He had a sly smirk on his face and Mo punched it.

"Shut up. Lay down and you'd be asleep again." He thought. "Or I can punch you again." And grinned evilly.

"Thanks for the offer but no. I don't want to wake up with a bloody nose, Momo." Mo's breath hitched. The nickname 'Momo' sounded nice when He Tian said it. It actually sounded cute instead of annoying. But of course, he'd never admit that.

"What were you and Zhan Zhengxi talking about? Wait isn't he.." He Tian's voice quietened as Mo finished off his sentence.

"Jian Yi's celebrity crush, yes." Mo nodded. "I feel bad for him. Zhengxi isn't interested in him, y'know. Instead he likes that second lead in 'Working with my idol'."

"Oh.." A light bulb switched on in Tian's head. "Holy shit, Mo, that's Yi!" He heaved himself off Mo's laps, standing on the fluffy rug on the floor. "My brother's idol likes him back!"

"Yeah.." Mo muttered. "I knew that too.."

"Of course," He Tian leaned down and ruffled his red hair. "My genius figured it out first. Thank you, dear Einstein."

"Einstein my ass!" Mo threw his arms in the air and swatted He Tian's hands away. "Let's not tell your brother about this, okay? I don't wanna get involved in this dumb situation."

He Tian stayed silent for a few moments before asking, "Little Mo, are you interested in having a relationship?" He sounded hesitant and Mo noticed this.

The redhead looked at the city view again while saying a quick "maybe". Everything was silent for a few seconds so Mo told He Tian to get some rest and not tell Jian Yi anything. The other nodded in agreement and left to go snooze in his room. Mo didn't move, he kept gazing outside the large windows as a distraction from what happened just now.

Stupid He Tian. Stupid Zhan Zhengxi. Stupid Jian Yi.

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