Chapter five

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"Oh, Matteo... Words can't describe how much I-"

"How much you love me, Karla?"

"You read my mind! Matteo, please return my feelings with passion and acception."


The two inched closer, a camera in front of them filming the scene. This was just an act, it was fake. There were no real feelings between them.

So how come Zhan Zhengxi was feeling hatred and jealously towards Xiao Hui, actor of "Karla".

"CUT!" the director yelled. He jumped off his chair lightly with a wide smile. "Jian Yi, Xiao Hui, the way you did this scene.. Absolutely beautiful! It feels so real." He pointed at the camera. "Even this device can't convince me it's pretend!"

Xiao Hui giggled. "Oh, director! Karla is just so fun to play! Even though Matteo is seen as a terrible actor to everyone in the world, Karla sees his effort and loves him nonetheless. It's so cute! The romance makes my heart melt. And you, Jian Yi?"

Jian Yi, who was spacing out, snapped his head towards Xiao Hui and smiled almost nervously. "Oh yeah! What she said."

"Are you okay, Yi? You look a bit red and sick." Xiao Hui asked as concern was all over her face. She was about to touch the other's forehead when a hand slapped hers away.

"He's fine, Hui." a voice drawled. "I'll take care of him. You should touch up your makeup."

"Oh." Xiao Hui's face fell. "Thanks, Xi!" she quickly put on a smile and waved, walking away with the director.

Zhan Zhengxi turned Jian Yi to face him. Today was the day he'd ask the other out after advice from his best friend, Mo. The shorter man's face relaxed and he leaned towards the other.

"Ahh, you don't know how sick I felt during the whole scene, Xixi.." the pale blond allowed his head to fall on Zhengxi's chest.

"Why were you feeling sick? Did you eat this morning? Did you get enough sleep?" his idol questioned as he played with Jian Yi's hair.

"No.." making an ugly face with hatred and disgust. "It was those stupid mashed potatoes Tian forced me to eat.."

Zhan Zhengxi stopped. He pulled the other's head up with a confused look.

"We went to his stupid boyfriend's stupid restaurant and my stupid brother forced me to eat some stupid mashed potatoes which I stupidly thought was delicious but when stupid Tian left me to go home by myself I threw up while walking outside our flat." Jian Yi said in one go.

"..." Zhan Zhengxi was shocked. He believed it was for another reason. He believed he was sick from the-

"And! That stupid scene we had to do! Oh, Karla, I'm too tired to confess today. If you truly love me then you'd quit your stupid job and run away with me to the stupid countryside!" He started to scratch his head strenuously as he also messed up his perfect hair, combed by a now crying make up artist ("I put so much effort into that!").

Zhan Zhengxi scoffed and held Jian Yi's arms, stopping him from ruining his hair even more. "Stupid doesn't even sound like a word anymore. You've said it too many times, Yi."

Jian Yi huffed but nodded. "I'm just so worn out. I need a drink. Maybe I should've followed Director and Xiao Hui to grab one!"

"Then I'd never know what's wrong and worry." Zhengxi said softly as he dropped the other's arms, linking their hands instead.

Yi felt his heart burst. There was a difference between your heart bursting and shattering even though they had the same feeling. He felt his heart shatter only once in his life when he was just a child. He swore he would never get his hopes up again and would never let himself feel this type of emotion. Mmm, Zhan Zhengxi is an exception maybe..

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