Chapter 2

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*Freya's POV*

"Mom, dad sent me to get you. There's a girl over there and I think she's like freaking out." I hear Alex as she walks over to me. She is glued to her phone and calling us mom and dad which means she is in an older headspace.

Let me explain a bit about my little family. My husband and I are vampires, we govern the vampire community. There are many governments that makeup the world, every species has their own leaders, but we all follow the same laws essentially. We lead the leaders of the world so in theory we are the most powerful king and queen. We have two littles, Ezra and Alexandra (Alex). Alex is a witch and she is our moody preteen, her headspace ranges from 9 to 12. We adopted her when she turned 18 and got her classification four years ago. Ezra we also adopted when he was 18, about three years ago. He is a werewolf and his headspace is between 6 and 8. My husband, Thomas, and I have been talking about adopting another little with a younger headspace. We love both of our littles so much, but I've always wanted a baby and our other two could use another playmate.

I am pulled from my train of thought when a little person runs by me muttering to themselves about getting to a box. Not two seconds later my husband is running by too telling me to follow him. We watch the little person, who turns out to be the girl Alex told me about dart into an alley. I see Ezra with a guard and Alex getting into the car, still engrossed in her phone, so I follow my husband. When I get to the end of the alley, I signal to some of the guards to go block the other end in case she tries to bolt again. I want to make sure she is okay.

She tells her stuffed animal they can't know, so I question her on who and what she's talking about. She comes up with a cute lie about the birds, but then she tries to leave. After questioning the girl, I suggest we go back to the castle. After I say that she starts panicking and hyperventilating. Thomas and I are trying to get her to breathe but I don't think she can hear us. She eventually passes out in my arms. I look at my husband and he nods, reading my mind before I can even speak. I pick her up and bring her to the car while my husband rounds up Ezra and the other guards.

She is obviously a little, but I don't understand why she isn't with a caregiver or in her own home. We send guards out every Thursday to check on the unsupervised littles. If she was reported homeless, we would have offered her a room in the castle until she found a caregiver. We do that more often than one would think, for everyone not just the littles.

"Why do you have that girl, and why is she sleeping?" Alexandra asks. I glance over at her and smile "She got scared and passed out honey, we can't just leave her there. Daddy and I also think she may not have anywhere to live so we are going to offer her a place to stay."

"Oh, cool. Do you think she'll play with us?" she bounces in her seat.

"Shhh, don't wake her up. If you guys are polite and ask nicely, she might, but you have to be good." I give her my "mommy look" and she nods looking back at her phone. Suddenly the door flies open and Ezra scrambles in the car.

"MOMMY DON'T LET DADDY CATCH ME!" my little man screams.

"Ezra quiet down please. We are not outside and there's a little girl trying to sleep." I tell him looking down making sure she didn't wake up. Thomas gets in the car and slams the door earning a look of disapproval from me. After everyone is buckled up the car starts moving and we are on our way back home.

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