Chapter Twelve ~ Breaking The Rules

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It was nothing, but walking faster wouldn't do any harm. My footsteps sounded almost measured over my thudding heart which seemed to be smashing its was past my ribs and out my chest. I couldn't think straight, what was wrong with me? Something, do something- anything Cassie just don't-


- panic. Just don't panic. It's nothing, you're just scaring yourself now ok? Look, if you listen for a second, you'll see that it's just a...


Rabbit. A really big rabbit. Or a stray dog? Or a stray person? Think, who could it be?... Marcus. My idiot brother, trying hard to scare me because he knows I'll never be able to live it down. Of course it's him. I can feel my shoulders slump down from the ridged position I didn't know I was holding them in, breaths become more measured, I turn around to face the thick wall of dense green and brown bushes behind me.

"Nice try Marcus. Very mature, now get out here." My voice sounds strong, commanding, yes that's better. Now, where is he?... I take a step forward to peer into the dark, just as another crunch sounds.


"Marcus?..." The strong brave part of me that was previously in command of my voice has scrambled back to the corner of my mind in terror. If Marcus is in the bush, he and I are nose to nose. If I took another step I would end up in with him, or he might just grab me now. I wet my lips again and again, trying to decide on something- anything to say.

"Look. This isn't funny." My voice is little more than a whisper. Please be Marcus, please please please. Then, I freeze.

Looking a little down and to my left, a leaf is twitching, not in the kind of way it would if there was a breeze in the air, but if someone was moving noiselessly behind the wall of green. Then a few of the other leaves around it begin to twitch too-

Then a pale white hand slips slowly out, and reaches for me.

I can't contain the shriek as I stumble back, trip over my own feet and half crawl half scramble away. As I rise on legs like lead, the person in the bush takes a step forward. My next sound of panic doesn't make it last my lips, it seems to get lost along the way and instead I gasp, then turn to run.

I'm fast. The fastest girl in my year, my dad has been taking me running in these woods as long as I can remember. I should be able to get out of here in no time, but a mix of panic and terror have turned my mind to mud. I crash through bushes, slam into trees and fall onto the path so hard that I'll be picking it out of my cheek for weeks. The forest passes me by in a blur, trees merging into sky and back again. My heartbeat is hammering through my whole body like bullets, I feel constantly out of breath.

Several times I have tried to yell for help, but end up chocking, torn between the possibility of help, and knowing that every scream alerts that person in the bush to where I am, brings them a step closer. I suddenly loose - not for the first time - the path I had been running on, I am back in a part I have never been before.


tears cut salty rivers through my muddy face, I thought I was close to loosing that person, but they sound a little but away. I turn, ready to run-


-and suddenly I'm face to face with the owner of that pale hand. Now I can scream. The scream doesn't seem to shock the person at all, I sprint off to my right - he makes no attempt to stop me - but not before I take in his appearance. Pale, almost white skin, a dark suit and darker blue shirt... An ugly scar that stretches across one eye.

I'm back on the path now. Running faster. Faster, faster Cassie faster! This isn't just a passer by, this man is after you! Go! The man is everywhere now, stepping quickly out from behind trees, appearing in the middle of the path with a sinisterly growing smile. Before it was just a smile that tugged slightly on his lips, now it's a full grin, showing two rows of perfect white teeth.

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