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That's not what Virgil had imagined when his boyfriends said that they wanted to spend some more time together that week.

Virgil hadn't really taken Logan or Remus as people who would be excited for camping, but apparently he didn't know his boyfriends because Remus was bouncing off the walls about s.εメ under the stars, and Logan was already planning out the whole thing, rambling about the fun activities they could do.

Virgil was...okay with the idea of camping. He wasn't so incredibly against it, it's just that he'd never been camping before, and was kind of worried about bears and snakes and the annoying little bugs and mosquitos that would try to eat you alive as you slept.

Though still, his boyfriends seemed excited about it, so he didn't want to be the one to ruin the mood with any overthinking or what if's, so he just went along with it. Of course, he did ask many questions about the campsite they'd be going to.

Logan made a list, and there was one campsite that checked off all of his marks.

No venomous snakes, no deadly animals, not a huge bug infestation problem, overall pretty safe, beautiful landmarks and scenery...plenty of dry wood for making fires, etc.

And it was almost too good to be true, so they rented out a space, nice and far away from it just how they liked it. (and for the safety and innocence of other's because Remus was not joking about s.εメ under the stars..)

But of course, there was one thing...

No restrooms.

Of course, that was expected from a campsite, they were camping after all, and it wasn't one of those places with running water, showers, cabins and bathrooms, it was an old school place where all they provided was the nature.

Virgil was nervous, because he was already pee shy as it is, but peeing somewhere out in the open, in front of his boyfriends? He'd feel so awkward..and exposed.

But he'd already agreed before then, and Logan had already rented the space, so he just sighed and went along with it.

So, they began to pack wilderness safe/appropriate shoes and clothes, as well as cleaning supplies for themselves, a decent sized tent, some pots, pans, food, first aid, essentially, the basics that they may need.

Driving there was a wonderful experience, they all had stuff to talk about, people to gossip about, and lame car games to play that were just stupid enough to keep them entertained.

Remus was driving, which was a little bit scary, and after one too many red lights and stop signs ignored, Virgil took over after they stopped for lunch, which of course made him a but pouty, but it was a good thing because he promptly fell asleep as soon as they had gotten back on the road.

Virgil made great use out of the restroom at the McDonald's they'd stopped by, because he had a feeling he wasn't going to get another opportunity to go for a while.

"Logan, get out his nap time blanky, it's under your seat" Virgil smirked as he noticed that Remus had fallen asleep.

Logan looked under the passenger seat from where he was, "and how come I don't know of this certified nap time blanket?" He asked.

"You always have your nose six inches deep in your lame books, that's why, now get him his blanket so we don't have to watch him masturbate in his sleep" Virgil said with an eye roll.

Logan quickly draped the blanket over Remus, he was all for sexy times, but-just, please god no.

Now that Remus was out, Virgil and Logan could engage in some quiet conversation, though Virgil was mostly focused on the road and again, Logan could finally stick his nose 'six inches into his book' as Virgil had put it.

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