Elevator pt 2 (the author still sucks at titles lmao-)

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After some reassurance and a lot of talking, Janus started to feel better about it. He cried a little bit from pure embarrassment, but Roman said that it was fine, and so Janus believed him, but it did get kind of very awkward for both of them.

Roman didn't want to say anything that could potentially make Janus feel insecure or embarrassed, and Janus just couldn't believe that he pissed all over the elevator.

Still, it wasn't long very long in the elevator before Roman realized that he had to go too. It was inevitable, really. They'd already been in there close to five hours, and by now the rain was pouring down so hard that they could now hear it from the elevator, which didn't help Roman..at all.

He sighed deeply, leaning against the wall, now across from Janus because of the huge puddle around him.

"That smells like shit" Roman said, nose shrilling up at the acidic scent.

"Piss, actually" Janus smirked.

"You always just have to clap back too, don't you?" Roman asked.

"Yes. Yes I do."


They sat around and talked for a while, before a loud boom crackled through the sky, which they heard with great intensity.

"Yeah, when Logan got his first binder it was like he was in hEAVEN-!" Roman began, screaming midway through his sentence, and jumping about two feet in the air when the thunder roared.

Janus jumped too, but was also laughing his ass off once the initial shock went away, not noticing how Roman squeezed his eyes shut and grabbed himself tightly with a groan.

"You sounded like a middle school girl who screams when the teacher flickers the lights on and off to quiet down the classroom" Janus joked, chuckling lightly.

Roman gasp dramatically, "I do not!!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"

"Do too!"

"Do not!"


"I DO NOT!" Roman screeched like a monkey, pouting.

Janus smirked, "do not."

"Do too!" Roman yelled back, before realizing what he said, "oh you prick!"

And this went on for some time before Janus began to complain, "sitting in cold pee sucks, I feel so terribly gross."

"Well, if we don't get out of here soon i'll be in the same situation" Roman said reassuringly, "i've had to go for like an hour now" he whined, crossing his legs.

"That sucks. Honestly, when we get out of here we should just make a bee line for my car and hope nobody notices. You walked here so you wouldn't really be leaving anything behind anyways" Janus explained.

"Sounds like a great plan, we might just have to do that" Roman said. Never in his life had he ever imagined that he'd be agreeing with Janus..let alone being offered a ride by him.

Damn, were they becoming besties? It had been literally five hours but they'd felt like they had been getting along much longer than that.

"Are you being dramatic or do you actually have to pee that bad?" Janus asked, noting how Roman wasn't really acting like he had to go.

"Well-I mean I can defiantly feel it, we've been in here for a while. It's just like a niggling feeling though."

"How the hell can you not feel it that bad, we've been in here forever!"

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